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取大平底锅或烤盘一个,开中火融化黄油。Melt butter over medium heat in a large skillet or griddle.

放至煎锅,每面约煎三分钟,可至酥脆。Cook them on the griddle until crisp, about 3 minutes a side.

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用黄油涂一下锅底,或者用不粘锅的喷油。Oil the griddle with butter, or spray it with non-stick cooking spray.

趁热吃,可以用草莓浆或者枫糖浆佐餐。Serve the pancakes hot off the griddle with warm strawberry syrup or maple syrup.

然后在烤锅或者烧烤架上烤6到8分钟,保持翻面,使其均匀的烤熟,颜色呈漂亮的棕色。Cook on a griddle pan or barbecue for 6-8 mins, turning until evenly cooked and nicely browned.

用黄油涂一下锅底,或者用不粘锅的喷油。然后加热,中等温度就好。Oil the griddle with butter, or spray it with non-stick cooking spray. Heat it over medium heat.

本文提出了一种工作在原点反共振状态的振动筛。A new vibration griddle which is working on the driving point antiresonance state is put forward.

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不锈钢炉身,精铁扒面,高效能发热线及温控制功能。All stainless steel body, iron griddle , high efficient heating and temperature control function.

凡在炉中烤的素祭,和煎盘中做的,并在铁鏊上做的,都要归那献祭的祭司。Every grain offering baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or on a griddle belongs to the priest who offers it

于扒炉上烧热油,放入牛柳串煎熟,跟�上碟,伴以蒜片即可。Heat oil in a griddle. Pan-fry the beef skewers till done. Transfer to a plate and serve with garlic slices.

凡在炉中烤的素祭,和煎盘中做的,并在铁鏊上做的,都要归那献祭的祭司。Every grain offering baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or on a griddle belongs to the priest who offers it.

往锅里倒入半杯草莓馅饼面团,煎上八分钟,或者等到面团表面起泡。Pour a half cup of strawberry pancake batter onto the hot griddle. Cook eight minutes or until the top is bubbly.

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后半部则是厨房,内有炉子、冷冻库、煎可丽饼的铁板,以及两个工作台。The kitchen with a stove, freezer cabinet, crepe griddle and two work tables was in the back of the redesigned bay.

将一个大的厚底煎锅或平底烙饼锅烧热,然后将上面准备好的玉米饼从塑料袋中取出,并小心地放入底已烘干的煎锅里,再烙至饼变色且微微有点膨胀。Step 3. Heat a large, heavy-bottomed frying pan or flat griddle. Peel the tortilla from the polythene and carefully place in the dry pan.

把面粉、糖等的混合物倒入南瓜茸和米汤中完全混匀,再拌入鸡蛋清。Blend the dry ingredients into the milk and pumpkin mixture, after completely mixed, whip in egg whites. Grill on medium heat, on an oiled griddle.