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然而德国也犯有前后不一致的毛病。Yet Germany too is guilty of incoherence.

经历的危机次数一多,民众的反应就会混乱不相一致。In times of crisis, you get a public reaction that is incoherence on stilts.

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然而,零散的国际范例只是本次世博的一个很小的片段。Yet the international incoherence is only a minor part of the expo's message.

介绍一种加工不贯通油槽的可调夹具。This paper introduces a kind of adjustable fixture in which processes incoherence oil groove.

如果现在不设法解决目前的矛盾,英国体育在2012之后的结局也会是那样的。British sport is heading for the same reckoning after 2012 if the present incoherence is allowed to persist.

一些分析者认为这种政策不连贯是北京不同权力中心竞争的一时表现。Some analysts have speculated that policy incoherence is a temporary manifestation of rival power centers in Beijing.

对某些人而言,哲学代表着一种形式,将人从从困惑,任性的激情,偏见,及无厘头中解放出来。For some, philosophy represents a form of liberation from confusion, from unruly passions and prejudices, from incoherence.

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布什政府从来没有在自己的政策下解决过这个问题,其后果就是无内聚力和毫无效率。The Bush administration never resolved this question in its own policies, and the consequence was incoherence and ineffectiveness.

可不可以说,恰恰是西方内在的涣散甚至崩坏才有力地招引着恐怖分子过来把西方逼得发疯?Is it incoherence and even collapse within the West that actively invites the terrorists to push the West over the edge, so to speak?

临床表现以意识障碍伴有思维不连贯,遗忘,视幻觉和行为紊乱等为主。Main clinical manifestations were consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking, amnesia, visual hallucination and behavioral disturbance.

政治问题是如何选出运动领袖,激发愤怒而不屈服无政府状态,不受其内部不同声音的影响。The political problem is how to co-opt the movement's energy and motivational anger without succumbing to its incoherence and being tainted by the wacko voices within it.

政治问题是如何选出运动领袖,激发愤怒而不屈服无政府状态,不受其内部不同声音的影响。The political problem is how to co-opt the movement’s energy and motivational anger without succumbing to its incoherence and being tainted by the wacko voices within it.

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此类病人的临床表现以意识障碍为特征,并伴有思维不连贯、遗忘、视幻觉及行为紊乱等。Main clinical manifestations are consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking, forgetting, visual hallucination, behavioral disorder and other clinical symptoms.

相反,麦凯恩的竞选班子,仅仅是一次失利,现在却差不多已经彻底的方寸大乱,这是由于策略上的无凝聚力和操作上的无能结合在一起所引起的。The McCain campaign, once merely problematic, is now close to being out-and-out dysfunctional. Its combination of strategic incoherence and operational incompetence has become toxic.

不然,贫乏无用的真实、不知所以的仇意将会如同洪水一样泛滥世界。Only knowing was measure of what one could make hold together for that moment's recognition, or else the world washed over like a flood of meager useless truths, of hostile incoherence.

除了Acceleo,Obeo设计器也提供了Obeo可追溯功能,可以用来探测并修正所有你的应用代码和模型之间出现的不一致和同步问题。In addition to Acceleo, Obeo Designer also brings along Obeo Traceability to detect and correct all incoherence and synchronization problems between your application code and your models.

换言之,也仅有那些身处,持恒挣扎于厘清其思维的人,于移除矛盾及无条理源头的人,仅有那些人,才称得上是值得活的生命。Only those in other words engaged in the continual struggle to clarify their thinking to remove sources of contradiction and incoherence only those people can be said to live worthwhile lives.