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狮身人面像不放弃自己的秘密,那么容易。Sphinxes do not relinquish their secrets so easily.

普金似乎不愿让出政治控制权。Putin seems unwilling to relinquish political control.

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但希望他放弃权力的呼声并没有停止。Butthe calls for him to relinquish power have not ended.

申诉人变更仲裁请求,由仲裁庭记录在案。Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims.

在我们当中,又有谁能够不同意她放弃自己的孩子呢?And who were we to gainsay her decision to relinquish her child?

现下所渴望的帮助就在眼前,他怎能放弃希望呢?When the longed-for help was so near, how could he relinquish hope?

为了减少痛苦,有些人选择放弃所有责任。To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility.

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这有助于服务类实例放弃它正在使用的资源。This helps the service class instance relinquish the resources it is using.

TVB观察人士同时表示,方逸华可能不希望很快放弃对TVB的控制权。TVB watchers also say Ms Fong may not want to relinquish control of TVB soon.

我们问了尤丽莉是什麽原因,让她甘愿放弃赚钱的机会。We went to ask You what motivated her to relinquish the chance to make money.

她无法放弃她父亲的枪,所以把它藏到烟囱内的一个壁龛里。Unable to relinquish her father's gun, she hid it in a niche up inside the flue.

你认为放弃监护权的母亲与同样做法的父亲有一样吗?Do you view mothers who relinquish custody differently than fathers who do the same?

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因此,部落极有可能在暴力的威胁下交出自治权。Tribes were therefore most likely compelled by violence to relinquish their autonomy.

还有一些企业,虽然还“活着”,但也是在硬撑。There are some companies, although still" alive ", but also relinquish its hard-bound.

这里有7种常见的被疏忽的行为,会使你放弃驾驭自己的能力,让你的生活陷入困境。Here are 7 often overlooked ways you may relinquish that control and mess up your life.

放下恐惧,别认为这是软弱,首先去对你的爱人表示肯定吧。Relinquish the fear of looking soft and go out on a limb and affirm your partner FIRST.

纯粹地允许自己在一小时里放开所有责任,与自我相连。Simply allow yourself to relinquish responsibilities for an hour and reconnect with yourself.

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先上任的厄忒俄克勒斯在年末拒绝放弃王位。Eteocles, to whom the first term fell, would not relinquish his throne AT the end of the year.

美国准备放弃自己挑选世界银行行长的特权了?Is the US prepared to relinquish its historical prerogative to choose the WorldBank president?

如果在那种情况下,他要求来这里,而且只想来这里,那很好。为什么姚放弃麦迪呢?Well, if he is so demanding to come here and only here, in that scenario, why relinquish T-Mac?