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孩子不可以在午餐室占座。Your child should not save seats in the lunchroom.

他想用肘把我挤出餐厅的候餐行列。He tried to elbow me off the line in the lunchroom.

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对不起,你能告诉我午餐室在哪儿吗?。Excuse me, could you tell me where the lunchroom is?

不要在公用餐厅里用微波炉加热重口味的食物。Don't microwave stinky foods in the shared lunchroom.

学校餐厅的饭菜看上去不吸引人。The meals at the school lunchroom don't look appealing.

或者在你学校的饭堂里讨论关于科比的话题。Get into a Kobe-related discussion in your school's lunchroom.

我在你的学校里,特别是大厅和餐厅。I am in your school, especially in the halls and the lunchroom.

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我看到他们穿着白色的衣服,三K党的服饰在食堂走动。I've seen them walking through the lunchroom in the white sheets and the KKK attire.

亨利那家供应快餐的小饭馆的门一开,就进来了两个人。他们挨着柜台坐下。The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.

Maxx采购了精美的大碗,用这些碗将水果陈列在餐厅光照良好且显眼的位置。Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom.

反应堆的餐厅谈话针对工作人员应该在紧急事态下做什么。Lunchroom conversations at reactors frequently turn to what operators would do in a severe emergency.

午饭时间到了,我很怕一个人坐在公司的饭厅里,让那么多男男女女盯着看。When lunch time came, I was scared to eat alone in the company lunchroom with all those men and ladies looking.

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询问午餐房间或会议室在哪里是在暗示你缺乏准备和主动性。Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue theinterviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative.

扣问午餐房间或集会会议室在那边是在表现你缺乏预备和主动性。Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative.

典型的校区午餐预算必须是自负盈亏的,这样一来就不难理解为什么餐厅经理不愿冒风险了。The typical school district lunch budget must be self sustaining, which makes lunchroom managers understandably risk-averse.

卡西.克劳丝老师通过餐厅吃饭的谈话了解到,她的大部分“差生”都打电子游戏。Teacher Cassie Krause knows by their lunchroom talk which of her students play video games, and many of them are her most outgoing in class.

布莱恩·汪幸科最初对学校食堂产生兴趣是因为州政府希望他帮助几个纽约学校在学生中增加新鲜水果的消费。Brian Wansink first became interested in the school lunchroom when he was asked to help a group of New York schools boost fresh fruit consumption among students.

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这一通用棚是司钻及井队人员的工具棚、办公室、通讯中心、咖啡屋、午餐屋和会议室结合体。This general-purpose shelter is a combination tool shed, office, communications center, coffee room, lunchroom and general meeting place for the driller and his crew.

告诉大人。如果你被欺负了,将这一切告诉大人很重要。无论是老师,校长,家长,还是午餐配餐室的助理们,都能够帮助你制止流氓的恶行。Tell an adult. If you are being bullied , it's very important to tell an adult. Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop bullying.

而材料费、餐厅员工、厨房设备、经理的工资,以及国家审计所要求的所有报告及其他书面材料,一切的一切,都要从这三美元中扣除。And that total must pay not only for ingredients, but for lunchroom staff, kitchen equipment, the manager’s salary, and all the reports and other paperwork required by state auditors.