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理发师热心地给了这个消息。The barber gave this tip zealously.

科赫公司热衷于捍卫其公众形象。Koch Industries zealously guards its public image.

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受疯狂监视的升职和降职。Promotions and demotions were zealously monitored.

他汲汲地争取这次升职的机会。He is zealously competing for this promotion opportunity.

我们非常积极的解构着世界,因为我们有积极的内心表达欲。We zealously deconstruct. We have that very active internal monologue.

锦江之星苏州园区东环路店的每一位员工都热诚期待您的光临。Each staffs of star of Jinjiang always zealously welcome your presence.

胡佛娶了他的工作,狂热地维护自己的公众形象。Hoover was married to his job and zealously protective of his public image.

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正如基督徒一样,穆斯林也极度反对因果报应的说法。Muslims, just like Christians are zealously opposed to the concept of karma.

张月林巧遇雷巧妹,巧妹热心地为其带路。Zhang Yuelin paths ray qiao sister, sister qiao zealously to lead the way for it.

热忱欢迎海内外客商来电来函咨询,共创美好明天。Zealously welcome everywhere merchants letter calls advisory, create beautiful tomorrow.

为完备地实现数据转换模块,从分析方法和实现技术上进行了积极的尝试。In this part, I have progressed zealously attempt in analytic method and realizing technique.

厂长宋卫林热忱欢迎新来客户光临惠顾!Manager Song Weilin zealously welcome to come customer presence your help or friendship newly!

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为完备地实现数据转换模块,从分析方法和实现技术上进行了积极的尝试。In this part, I have progressed zealously attempt in analytic methods and realizing techniques.

在善事上,常用热心待人,原是好的,却不单我与你们同在的时候才这样。But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.

袋狼,看上去很像条纹,拉长狗,热忱猎杀欧洲定居者。The thylacine, which looked much like a striped, elongated dog, was zealously hunted by European settlers.

Libânio认为,虽然巴西各地拥护该项法律,但只有两个地方对此积极执行。While all of Brazil’s jurisdictions have embraced the law, only two have zealously enforced it, according to Libânio.

秦统一以后秉承其对东方文化一贯的开放态度,对以儒家为代表的礼乐文明也采取了积极吸收的态度。After the unification, Qin dynasty zealously absorbed the Confucian culture, as they ever did to orient culture before.

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曹慧玲还热情邀请于笑儒参加有李洪志亲自出席的“法会”,更使于笑儒倍感“温暖”。Cao also invited Yu zealously to attend "Fa Conference" in which Li Hongzhi took part in, thus making Yu feel "warmly".

二十多年来,他热心的服事上帝,行了许多神迹,警告以色列人悔改,从拜偶像的路上回转。For more than twenty years he zealously ministered with many miracles and warned Israel to repent and turn away from idolatry.

家庭是社会历史最小的单位之一,这意味着盛装我们基因之卵的篮子更少,我们当然会守护得更加热切。Families are among the smallest in history, which means our genetic eggs are in fewer baskets and we guard them all the more zealously.