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最后她被录取了。She was admitted.

她认了罪。She admitted her guilt.

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他承认自己的短处。He admitted his weakness.

他供认犯了谋杀罪。He admitted to the murder.

他获得了律师资格。He was admitted to the bar.

他坦率地承认错误。He frankly admitted his error.

看两个承认自己是卖的。Just a couple of admitted whores.

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她被那所大学录取了。She was admitted to the university.

他们准许她进入洛任德学校。They admitted her to Lowood School.

费思承认他当时犯错了。Faith admitted that he was in error.

我被河南大学录用了。I am admitted to Shorong University.

她招认偷了那辆汽车。She admitted having stolen that car.

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那贼承认偷了钱。The thief admitted taking the money.

剽窃用户界面在中国允许吗?Is plagiarizing UI admitted in China?

他承认拿了那笔钱。He admitted to having taken the money.

她勉强承认了错误。She grudgingly admitted she was wrong.

“我们都松了一口气,”斯科特承认。"We are relieved, " admitted the Scot.

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1每一名观众都必须凭票入场。A spectator is admitted by ticket only.

他对自己也不肯爽爽快快承认。He had never quite admitted to himself.

他被承诺可以进入哈佛大学。He was admitted into Havard University.