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词缀使用其中的一个曲柄臂固定螺栓。Affix using one of the crank arm fixing bolts.

把珠片粘在纽扣上作为眼睛。Make the eyes by using craft glue to affix sequins to buttons.

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请在商标的委任状上加盖公章。Please affix a seal to the letter of attorney on the trademark.

现代汉语类词缀是介于词根与词缀之间的一个语言单位。The affixed is a unit between root and affix in Modern Chinese.

在构词法中,语素被分为词根,词干,词基和词缀。In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.

在靠近宝宝更衣台的墙上粘贴颜色明亮、形状各异的图形。Affix brightly colored shapes to the wall above baby's changing table.

凭印签支取的,请在指定位置加盖预留印签。For withdrawal by seal, please affix the seal at the designated place.

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派生词缀可加在已存在的形式词上形成的一个新词,原来存在的形式词被称为词干。A stem is the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added.

后两步需要注意的问题以后会陆续贴上来。After two paces need watchful issue after, can affix in succession come.

该部分又按词缀的位置划分为“前缀”和“后缀”两小部分。Affix can be classified into suffix and prefix, depending on its position.

领取人应当在返还款物清单上签名或者盖章。The recipients shall sign or affix their seals to the list of returned distraint.

请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿。Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.

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翻译人员应当在查问、询问笔录上签字。And the interpreter shall affix his name on the transcripts of interrogation or inquiry.

在制作糖边的时候使用水来润湿,而盐边则使用青柠檬汁。Water is used to affix sugar to the rim of a glass and lime juice is used to affix salt.

这个过程中加入一个以上的词缀一个自由词素称为复杂的推导。This process of adding more than one affix to a free morpheme is termed complex derivation.

启封时应当有见证人、持有人在场并签名或者盖章。When the seal is broken the witnesses and holder shall be present and sign or affix their seals.

词缀是一种附加语素,表示词汇意义。可分为前缀、。Derivational affix modifies the word lexically which can be divided into prefix, infix and suffix.

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一款安全帽一旦获得认证,制造商就可以在安全帽内部贴上一张“斯内尔”贴纸作为认证标志。Once a model is certified, manufacturers can affix a Snell sticker to the inside as a seal of approval.

不管是来自大陆、台湾、香港、新加坡、马来西亚的中国人,只要他们愿意为中国人而战,都有权使用这个后缀。In spite of where he comes from, one can use this affix so long as he is Chinese and will fight for China.

当事人承认没有错误后,应当签名或者盖章。After the parties acknowledge that the record is free of error, they shall sign or affix their seals to it.