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它是懒惰的传统思想的遗物。It is a holdover from lazy traditional thinking.

从维多利亚时期这个传统一直保留至今。This practice is a holdover from typographers of the Victorian era.

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铁道部实际上是计划经济国家控制一切的时代遗留下来的产物。The ministry is indeed a fief, a holdover from the era when the state controlled all.

另一种用法是使用二个连字符来表示破折号,这一做法同样来源于打字员时代由于打字时的为了视觉上对文本进行有效的区分。The practice of using two hyphens for a dash is a holdover from the days of typewriters.

这是上月的延期——水星在四月中旬的第一次放慢速度。This will be a holdover from last month, as Mercury first started to slow down in mid-April.

邓巴的新乐队是蓝鲸,并有唯一之前的鼓手推荐的。Dunbar's new band was Blue Whale and had a sole holdover from the drummer's previous combo, Tommy Eyre.

最近中国否决了西方国家制裁津巴布韦贱民政权的努力,这是它们仍报有不结盟心态的最新例证。Its vetoing of western efforts to rein in Zimbabwe's pariah regime is one recent example of a holdover non-aligned mentality.

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选民根据食品分配系统组织,这是萨达姆时代留下来的。Voter registration is organized around a national system for delivering food rations, a holdover from the Saddam Hussein era.

好几年,公司已经不同地对待资讯科技人-一个延期从“玻璃收容”数据处理文化在30年以前。For years, corporations have treated IT people differently—a holdover from"glass house"data processing culture of 30 years ago.

亚当森乔治卢卡斯从一开始就担任主席,直到1967年,任期为35年,其中包括一个为期三年共缴进站。George Lucas Adamson served as President from the beginning until 1967, for a total of 35 years including a three-year holdover stint.

一些宗教避开它,科学谴责塔罗牌是毫无道理的符号,是过去蒙昧的延续。Some religions shun the cards, and the scientific establishment condemns them as symbols of unreason, a holdover from an unenlightened past.

美国国防部长盖茨是共和党布什政府中唯一被留用的内阁成员,他也极力主张采用这样的方针。U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the lone cabinet holdover from the Republican Bush administration, is also a prominent advocate of such an approach.

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如果对西方来说有什么安慰的话,那就是SVR对西方的“迷恋”是一脉相承自苏联时代的,所以,它所使用的技巧方法就相当明晰了。If there is one consolation for the West, it's that while the SVR's obsession with the West is a holdover from Soviet times, so, evidently, are some of its techniques.

事实上,与仍在指导着我们陈旧的课堂教育的工业时代教育体系相比,她的建议看上去更像经典的教育模式。What she recommends, in fact, looks much more like a classical education than it does the industrial-era holdover system that still informs our unrenovated classrooms.

我们很高兴为您提供其他涉税服务,如处理国税局的税务质询,提出税务方面的异议,以及延期申请。We shall be pleased to provide other taxation services, such as attending to enquires that may be raised by the Inland Revenue Department, lodging objections, and holdover applications.

但是美国大部分的重复监管却是一种从商业银行、投资银行、储贷机构、政府支持的房屋抵押贷款机构和大宗商品交易商职能分工各司其职那天起就毫无用处的“虚职”。But most of America's overlap is a useless holdover from the days when commercial and investment banks, thrifts, government-sponsored enterprises and commodity dealers did different things.

但是美国大部分的重复监管却是一种从商业银行、投资银行、储贷机构、政府支持的房屋抵押贷款机构和大宗商品交易商职能分工各司其职那天起就毫无用处的“虚职”。But most of America's overlap is a useless holdover from the days when commercial and investment banks, thrifts , government-sponsored enterprises and commodity dealers did different things.