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控制模型是集中式的。The governance model is centralized.

具有集中的日志记录和安全性。To have centralized logging and security.

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与美国相对分散的州教育体系不同,法国是高度集中地教育体系。Understand the system's centralized nature.

一元化调节时,请翻转使用。Centralized regulation, please use overturned.

痛点集中在腰背部、肩背部。The pain spots centralized in the back and shoulders.

货币在欧洲中央银行,被统一了。The currency is centralized at the European Central Bank.

构建过程必须是基于服务端的、中心化管理的。There needs to be a server based, centralized build process.

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市立学校从去年开始集中管理。The administration of city schools was centralized last year.

采取从集中式到分布式的控制范围。Approaches to governance range from centralized to distributed.

Gnutella是纯粹的P2P网络,没有任何集中式服务器。Gnutella is a pure P2P network, without any centralized servers.

众王国兴衰起伏,一直没有建立起强大的中央集权国家。There were no strong, centralized states. Kingdoms rose and fell.

大型集中式发电机组是迄今为止的的主要方法。Large centralized generators have been the primary method thus far.

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这意味着信息活动既有集中性,又有分散性。This means that they have to be both centralized and decentralized.

该系统适用于大中城市公用电话计费器的集中控制。It is applied to centralized manage for telephone booth in the city.

在中心化的监管服务器上,这样的功能很容易实现。That could be very easily implemented on a centralized build server.

1949年至1989年间,罗马尼亚是中央集权的国营卫生系统。From 1949 to 1989, Romania had a centralized state-run health system.

汪光焘说,希望你们通过集中办公促进建设。Part Man, I hope that you promote through centralized office building.

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因此,要重点控制城市生活污水的集中处理。Therefore, centralized treatment of urban sewage should be focused on.

总统制是一元化行政体制的典型。President system is a typical of the centralized administrative system.

使用与滑轨的集中润滑设备相同的润滑油。Use the same oil as for the centralized lubricating unit for slideways.