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小孩子喘着粗气,像得了哮喘似的。Kids breathing asthma.

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他的呼吸迟缓而困难。His breathing is laboured.

他戴上呼吸面罩,弯腰捡起刀。He dons his breathing mask.

他的呼吸变得微弱了.His breathing became faint.

这爱是否还犹存?。How are we still breathing?

呼吸时肺部扩张。The lungs dilate in breathing.

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呼吸必须从腹部开始。Breathing must be from stomach.

改善你的呼吸技巧。Refine your breathing technique.

然后深深深深深的呼吸。Then deep deep breathing deeply.

继续深呼吸。Continue with the deep breathing.

我听得见他粗重的呼吸。I could hear his heavy breathing.

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调息可以改变你的生活。Breathing can transform your life.

深入呼吸着没有雾霾的空起。Deep breathing the air of no haze.

我拿枪,你保住小命。I keep the gun you keep breathing.

她的呼吸渐渐平稳下来了。Her breathing gradually evened out.

你能听到他费力的呼吸声。You can hear his labored breathing.

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我想在头顶感觉下你的鼻息。I want to feel you breathing upon me.

有些夜晚你在呼出火焰。And some nights you're breathing fire.

呼吸练习简单易学。Breathing exercises are easy to learn.