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自动点唱机在放我最喜欢的歌。My favorite song is on the jukebox.

自动唱机正在放一张乡间情歌唱片。A hillbilly love song was on the jukebox.

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电唱机播放着催情的歌曲。While the jukebox plays our favorite song.

自动点唱机高声播放着摇滚乐。Rock music was pounding out from the jukebox.

至少比点唱机有趣多了。At least it's more interesting than a jukebox.

他们安了自动点唱机后,我在那儿学会了跳摇摆舞。I learnt to jive there when they got the jukebox.

侍者们配合自动唱机里播放的唱片对口型假唱。The waiters mime to records playing on the jukebox.

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招待她,他也创建闪光自动点唱机。To entertain her, he also created the flash jukebox.

石头的灰尘布满了绿色地毯,而牛仔民谣则在点唱机里播放着。Rock dust on the green felt, cowboy ballads on the jukebox.

或者你可以到点唱机雕塑面前点歌进行跳舞。Or you can dance on the tunes produced by the "jukebox" sculpture.

自动点唱机消失了,我们正被领回家,找不到方向。The jukebox is off and we're being ushered back home, with no address.

完全控制理论也可以被叫做情绪的自动唱机。Total Control Theory could also be called the jukebox theory of emotion.

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液冷服点唱机是为了满足音乐迷,都需要使用移动设备。LCG Jukebox was designed to fulfill all needs of music fan using a mobile device.

这样我们就得到了一个可视的包含了我们选择所有歌曲的音乐盒。In doing so, we create a virtual jukebox that contains the songs we’ve all selected.

对美国人来说,这是一种民族性,就象云霄飞车或投币电唱机那样为我们所持有。With Americans , it is a national trait, as native to us as the roller coaster or the jukebox.

针对光盘库文件被客户大量访问的特点,在光盘库前端加入集群代理缓存服务器。To meet the demand of mass visit by clients, this paper sets cluster-based cache servers before CD jukebox.

在一个高中学生的夜晚舞会之后,查克和一位朋友送帕特里夏乘车回家。One night after a high school mixer where everyone danced to jukebox music, Chuck and a friend offered Patricia a ride home.

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苹果设计的iPod与苹果iTune自动唱机软件配套使用,iTune也是被买进来之后彻底革新和改进的。And it was designed to work closely with Apple's iTunes jukebox software, which was also bought in and then overhauled and improved.

iTunes是世界上最受欢迎的音乐播放软件,最高销售量的音乐零售商并且和唱片行业有着密切的关系。ITunes is the world's most popular jukebox software, highest-volume music retailer and already has cozy ties to the record industry.

苹果传统上会在初秋举办活动,推出新一代iPod产品及其iTunes数字音乐播放软件。Apple has traditionally held an event in the early fall to update iPod products, as well as its iTunes digital music jukebox software.