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以弓头鲸为例。Take bowhead whales for example.

据报道,一头北极露脊死时已经活了130岁。One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.

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如果它们继续与弓头鲸交配,那么永别了,北太平洋露脊鲸。If they continue to mate with bowhead whales, goodbye North Pacific rights.

在贯穿加拿大群岛的升高了的海滩上,人们都能发现北极露脊鲸的骨骼。Bowhead skeletons are found on elevated beaches through the Canadian archipelago.

有一种鲸鱼叫做「弓头鲸」,可以活两百年之久。There is one kind of whale, called a Bowhead whale, that can live to be 200 years old.

这张照片展示的是一头在鲸类前往其冬季栖息地的秋季迁徙中被捕获的弓头鲸。This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fall migration to their winter grounds.

北极的巨型动物――北极露脊鲸――正在用西北通道穿越美洲上端的游动。Bowhead whales, the giants of the Arctic, are using the Northwest Passage to move across the top of the Americas.

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这项工作可能为起核心作用的北极露脊鲸狩猎文化的发展提供深刻见解。The work may provide insights into the development of Arctic cultures in which bowhead hunting plays a central role.

当露脊鲸向南的迁徙通过此地,这里是今年秋天海岸上第一个捕鲸的社区。The community was the first on the coast to catch a whale this autumn as the bowhead whale’s migration route south passes here first

整个夏季,许多北极熊聚集到巴特岛的卡克托维克附近休憩觅食,因为这里有被捕猎的露脊鲸残骸。During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island.

多种骨骼,多个DNA样本和好多鱼叉头都表明,生活在北美大陆两侧海洋里的北极露脊鲸种群确实相遇而且混合在了一起。Skeletons, DNA samples and harpoon heads have all suggested that bowhead populations living on each side of the continent did meet and mingle.

千百年来生活在住在阿拉斯加北极圈内的当地人依靠狩猎北极露脊鲸和其他哺乳动物生存。For thousands of years the native people living above the Arctic circle in Alaska have depended on hunting bowhead whales and other mammals for their subsistence.