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什么是风湿性心脏病?What is rheumatic heart disease?

风湿热能熏染心脏。Rheumatic fever can affect the heart.

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我有风湿病,所以我讨厌潮湿的天气。I hate humid climate because I'm rheumatic.

风湿痛预示着暴风雨的来临。Rheumatic pain foretells the coming of a storm.

脓疮、肾炎和风湿热。Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever.

他患急性风湿性关节炎,在医院住了三个月。He spent three months in the hospital with acute rheumatic arthritis.

风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、风湿寒性关节痛。Rheumatic arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, and rheumatic cold arthralgia.

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常见病因为冠心病、其次是高血压,也可见于风心病、心肌病等。The most etiology of CLBBB was CAD, HP, DCM and rheumatic heart disease.

结论风湿性疾病继发肺动脉高压预后不良。Conclusion The prognosis of PHT secondary to rheumatic diseases is dismal.

结论风湿性心脏炎临床表现不典型。Conclusion The clildren with rheumatic carditis had atypical system and sign.

结论风湿性疾病继发肺动脉高压预后不良。Conclusion The prognosis of PHT secondary to rheumatic diseases is pessimistic.

她还建议勾尔娜拉买一个电热毯,这样就可以减轻她腿上的风湿痛。She also advised Gulnara to buy an electric blanket to relieve her rheumatic leg.

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结论LAIP在判断风湿活动方面有较大价值。Conclusion LAIP is of important significance in the diagnosis of rheumatic carditis.

早期治疗链球菌导致的嗓子痛可阻止风湿热的发展。Early treatment of streptococcal sore throat can stop the development of rheumatic fever.

目的了解萘丁美酮在风湿病临床应用中的胃肠道耐受性。Objective To evaluate the gastrointestinal tolerance of Nabumetone in rheumatic patients.

在一个药店门口,他下车进去买了几帖伤湿止痛膏。Stopping at the entrance to a pharmacy, he dismounted and bought a few rheumatic plasters.

Effingham母亲长于朗诵,她和富裕而患有风湿病的艾芬汉夫人相处得很好。Mother read aloud beautifully and she was a great success with the wealthy and rheumatic Mrs.

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用于感冒头痛,风湿痹痛,风疹瘙痒,破伤风等症。To using for common cold headache, rheumatic arthralgia, rubella pruritus, tetanus and so on.

发展成风湿热的链球菌感染之后获得性主动脉狭窄可能发生。Acquired aortic stenosis may occur after a strep infection that progresses to rheumatic fever.

本资料对621例风湿性心脏瓣膜病进行了临床分析,结果显示该病仍为常见心血管疾病。Clinical analysis about 621 cases of rheumatic heart valve disease was ex-pounded in the paper.