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你可以把这个牛逼的意见存到银行里。You can take that little tidbit to the bank.

就是这一点东西引诱它残杀昆虫。This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate.

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这是他的一些,花边新闻。So, a little tidbit of knowledge for you that's somewhat trivial.

你知道霍克斯对百科全书中的珍闻趣事非常在行吗?。Did you know that Hawkes is a walking encyclopedia of tidbit information?

鱼粒是一种滋味儿鲜美、富有营养价值的新式水产休闲食品。This paper probed into the technology for making grilled fish tidbit leisure food.

只要我们得到一点新的信息就会报道,这是毋庸置疑的。As soon as we have a new tidbit of information we'll post it, have no doubt about it.

也许闲谈是一件很有趣的事情,它可以让你了解一些你的同事或者是老板的趣文。It may seem fun and exciting to learn some juicy tidbit about your officemate or boss.

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即使我吃下这勇士如品尝了豌豆一般大的小口美食,但是却不能消化它。Even if I eat as much as a pea-sized tidbit of such a hero, I won't be able to digest it.

呃,仍然是最高20英里/小时,但你可以经常给自己保留这点小秘密。Well, that's still a maximum of 20 mph, but you can always keep that little tidbit to yourself.

通讯怠工和顿河笔尝试分享自己的资料每粒一夜之间。COMMUNICATION Go slow and don t try to share every tidbit of information about yourself over night.

可能文章里最引人入胜的趣闻是关于一个叫做苹果大学的项目。And perhaps the most fascinating tidbit from the article is about a program called Apple University.

当然他可以针对每三位顾问透露一份消息,不过九位顾问就有84种三人组合,需要的消息量实在太多。He can choose a different tidbit for each triplet of people, but nine confidants can form 84 triplets—too many.

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球队还在努力挡开那些贪婪的英国小报,他们饥渴地想要找到任何和贝克汉姆有关的珍闻。The team is also fending off the ravenous English tabloids, hungering for whatever Beckham tidbit they can find.

这可能是一些教育或娱乐,或有趣的珍闻某种关联与你的行业。It might be something educational or entertaining, or an interesting tidbit that correlates somehow with your industry.

这个医学之迷起头于十六个月之前,在维吉尼亚海滨水族馆名为珍闻的黑鳍鲨死了。The medical mystery began 16months ago after the death of the Atlantic blacktip shark named Tidbit at the Virginia Beach aquarium.

我在网上搜罗与话题有关的资料时,还在1964年莱斯大学的学报上发现了一段趣闻。As I was poking around the net on this topic, I also ran across this amusing tidbit from a 1964 edition of the Rice University campus paper.

在伯南克提供的信息中,最引发外界遐想就是将下次政策会议由一天延长至两天.会议将在9月20-21日举行.The most tantalizing tidbit Bernanke provided was that the Fed's next policy meeting will run for two days instead of one on September 20-21.

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通过加速试验预测出添加不同复配型抑菌剂鱼粒产品的货架期。At the same time the shelf-lives of the fish tidbit product with different composite bacteriostatic agents were estimated according to accelerated test.

在英国新闻界,我们将这种情况称为"守望门庭",即一群记者长时间地苦苦守候,希望得到一些有关正在发生的事件的消息。On Fleet Street, we call it “the mass doorstep” when a crowd of reporters will wait and wait for hours in hope of a tidbit of news on a developing story.

另一个有趣的花絮是,Google的CEO已经可以使用来自移动广告的收入来保证Android的开发。Another interesting tidbit that Google’s CEO has let slip is that revenue from mobile advertising easily covers the cost of Android development for Google.