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舍利塔的部份。Part of the Stupa.

此非土聚乃是殊妙大宝塔耳。It is a wonderful great Stupa.

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三人站在佛塔前的合照。Three of us stood in front of the stupa.

亦为一切如来佛顶佛眼窣都婆。It is also a Stupa of all Buddhas' tops and eyes.

绕行舍利塔必须顺时针方向被做。Circumambulating the Stupa has to be done clockwise.

儿子们各持象徵毘沙门天的塔、幡、弓等。The sons carry banners, Vaisravana's stupa and his bow.

即为九十九百千万俱胝如来窣都婆。It is a Stupa of ninety nine hundred thousand kotis Buddhas.

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塔即变为重叠无隙如胡麻子。俱胝百千如来之身。This Stupa became overlapping with no gap, as many as sesames.

建筑物在舍利塔的周围很美丽,购物也是。The buildings around the Stupa are beautiful, so is the shopping.

于彼园中有古朽塔摧坏崩倒荆棘掩庭蔓草封户。There was an old Stupa which was damaged with brambles and grass.

鹿野苑僧院遗址,远处是达美克佛塔。Ancient Buddhist monasteries near Dhamekh Stupa Monument Site, Sarnath.

以三年来,舍利塔是可与第五大的佛塔。Taking three years, the stupa is comparable with the Great Fifth's stupa.

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金多宝想转到销售工作,周斯韦鼓励她。Gold stupa want to transferred to the sales job Zhou Siwei encouraged her.

一个佛的形象,站在门口的佛塔被崇拜的。An image of the Buddha stands in the entrance to the stupa being worshipped.

关键时刻,周斯韦赶来救场,给金多宝充当翻译。Critical moment, Zhou Siwei rescue, give gold stupa ACTS as the interpreter.

牛母问起金多宝何时回家,牛胜利并不担心。When go home, mother asked about gold stupa cows victory does not worry about it.

这座“大佛塔”为阿育王在公元前三世纪所建。The "Great Stupa" was constructed by Emperor Asoka some time in the third century BC.

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灵塔,专门用于保存活佛遗体的佛塔。Dedicated specifically for the preservation of the remains of the Living Buddha Stupa.

金多宝准备收拾东西回家,她不想让牛胜利知道。Gold stupa ready to pack up and go home, she doesnt want to let the cattle know victory.

在清理塔基时,意外发现了地宫。While clearing the stupa foundation, the underground palace was accidentally discovered.