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这些山丘是冰川作用形成的。These hills were formed by glaciation.

东海岸是在更新世的冰川作用下形成的。It has been shaped by the Pleistocene Glaciation.

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川东南有第四纪冰川吗?。Is there a Quaternary glaciation in southeastern Sichuan?

第四纪冰期,使许多物种绝灭。Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species.

中国第四纪冰川研究的回顾与展望。Review and prospects of Quaternary Glaciation research in China.

第四纪始于几百万年以前,并延续到现在。The Quaternary glaciation started just a few million years ago – and is still going on.

它有极佳的冰川地质上的纪录,瞧那些被远古冰河磨成平滑的岩石。It has excellent geological record of glaciation . Look at the smooth rocks polished by ancient glaciers.

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冰川作用也可能是有益的关于超大铜矿石岩层的堆积物的构成。Glaciation may also be conducive for the formation of supergiant sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits.

初步研究表明,冰洞洞体的形成,主要与该区第四纪早期冰川作用有关。Studies show that the formation of the ice bodies in the ice cave is related mainly to Quaternary glaciation.

连云港云台山古冰川遗迹的发现,为我国东部古冰川遗迹的研究,又增添了新的证据。Discovery of Paleo-glacier traces in the area support the argument of Pleistocene glaciation in eastern China.

宁武冰洞的形成是由岩溶作用和冰川作用以及环境因素共同作用的结果。It is concluded that "Ningwu ice cave was formed under particular karstification, glaciation and environmental change".

这些变化改变了高纬度区域的日照强度,由此影响了冰河作用的范围。These changes alter the intensity of sunlight hitting the Earth at high latitudes, and so affect the extent of glaciation.

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巨大的冰川作用的最南部延伸到今天的美国和密西西比河流域。The southernmost extent of this enormous glaciation extended well into the present-day United States and Mississippi basin.

在太白山及其邻近地区的高山带,分布着大量的古冰川地貌。There are abundant traces of ancient glaciation distributed on the high mountain belt of the Mount Tai-Bai and its near areas.

除了被迷你汪卡湖占据的弓河谷外,冰川作用的证据还可以在南部的圆形冰斗处找到。Besides the Bow Valley, evidence of glaciation also appears in this image south of the lake, in the amphitheater-shaped cirque.

样品的粒度概率曲线都呈双峰或多峰分布,为典型的冰川成因堆积物特征。Double- or multi-modal grain-size probability curves of themoraines are the typical characteristic of sediments deposited by glaciation.

本文运用古地理和地貌学分析方法探讨新疆博格多峰西北三工河谷地古冰川地貌和冰期问题。This paper deals with the Quaternary glaciation and landforms in the Sangonghe valley Nerthwest slope Begedo Crest, East Tianshan Mount.

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“我们地球已经经历了冰期阶段——我们称之为地球‘雪球’期——而我们成功的走了出来,”他说。“Our own Earth has gone through stages of glaciation — we call them snowball Earth phases — and we managed to pull out of it, ” he said.

末次盛冰期,由于基面大幅度下降,长江河口段形成了深切古河谷。During the last glaciation maximum, strong fall in base-level led to rejuvenation of the Yangtze River, and a deep incised-valley was formed.

地球透过板块构造、造山运动和大陆冰川作用等过程,逐渐形成现在的形态和自然特徵。The earth gradually assumed its present configuration and physical features through such processes as plate tectonics, mountain building , and glaciation.