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晚装似乎就是性感的同义词。Eveningwear is practically synonymous with sexy.

埃塞尔这个名字显然已经成为“低端”的代名词。The name Edsel has become synonymous with 'flop.

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当时我对艺术的理解就是「画功好」。I understood art to be synonymous with drawing well.

对于山姆,收入和生活水平是同步的。For Sam, income and living standards were synonymous.

在他们心目中,努力是不适的同义词。In their minds, effort is synonymous with discomfort.

艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.

无怪乎“行尸走肉”成了中国人的定义同义语。No wonder now zombies are synonymous with being Chinese.

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与其他的称号相比,阿巴克经常是航海的代名词。More than anything else, Abaco is synonymous with sailing.

艺术家萨多瓦尔·利是超现实主义的同义词。The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism.

对很多人来说,可可·香奈儿这个名字已经成为了成功的代名词。To many, the name of Coco Chanel is synonymous with success.

绝望、死亡和毁灭都是苏丹的同义词。Desperation, death and destruction are synonymous with Sudan.

岛上的居民现在与牙买加同义。The inhabitants of the island are now synonymous with Jamaica.

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于是,芝华士作为经典苏格兰威士忌的代名词,声名远扬。As a result, Chivas Scotch, as synonymous with classic, famous.

我们也称之为,对位法We also use the word "Counterpoint" Sort of synonymous with it.

后来,“达摩克利斯剑”就成为“迫在眉睫的危险”的同义语。Later, the "sword of Damocles" to be "imminent danger" synonymous.

事实上,妻子一味服从几乎等同于婚姻内涵。In fact, wifely obedience was pretty much synonymous with marriage.

卡其是一种颜色,但是现在等义于一种军事斜纹裤。Khaki is a color, but is now synonymous with a military twill pant.

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波尔图和波特酒几乎是近义词,也同样有丰富的历史。Porto is nearly synonymous to port wine, and also its rich history.

这些国家意味着质量上乘、细节完美。Those countries are synonymous with quality and attention to detail.

苹果唱片马上成为披头四唱片的代名词。Apple Records instantaneously became synonymous with Beatles records.