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五先令赌那位绅士赢谁下赌注?。Five shillings on the gent. Who will take it?

因为防盗器响了。但是他们一定把它切断了。The car alarm gent off, but they must have disengaged it.

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计数是根特,在洪堡,在右边的驱动程序。The Count is the gent in the Homburg, on the right of the driver.

通过比较,确定最优的拆分剂为N-乙酰-L-亮氨酸。By comparison, the optimal resolution a- gent was N-acetyl-L-leucine.

锦鲤八月十七日于比利时根特附近的池塘里悠游。Koi carps swim in a pond of a breeding farm near Gent in Belgium on Aug. 17.

所以她觉得哪位绅士有可能可以给这位准王妃一个更好的结局?So which gent does she think could offer a better chance at giving the would-be princess a happy ending?

刚刚为一个亚洲的绅士开大门。他说,“沉没你”。他最好不要指要沉没珍珠港。Just held the door open for an Asian gent. He said "Sank you. " He better not be referring to Pearl Harbor.

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嗯。我知道在阿尔布开克应该朝左转。哦,好吧。我来问问这个穿着灯笼裤的搞笑家伙。Hmm. I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. Oh, well. I'll just ask this gent in the fancy knickerbockers.

布里斯托尔这家制片里满是忙忙碌碌的人画家,压铸模工,还有一位专门负责将人嘴鸡喙对调的工作人员。The Bristol shop buzzed with the work of painters, press molders and a gent known as the mouth-and-beak-replacement coordinator.

进口货物,应当由进口人或其代理人向报关地海关申报纳税。For importation of goods, the importer or his a gent shall report and pay tax to the cuetoms offic e where the imports are declared.

痛悼先逝的爱人时,恋情男女常常捶胸顿足发出哀痛的呻吟。A saddened gent or lady will often clutch the area between the ribs at the center of the chest, and moan in sorrow over a lost lover.

建立并完善经营者长期激励机制,对于解决两权分离所带来的委托代理关系问题、完善现代公司制企业制度具有重要意义。It is important in solving the problem of entrusting and a gent to create long term motivation system for manger and make it perfect.

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此外,这份工作还相当轻松,因为客人大都是绅士,美女们所要做的就是停一下车而已。In addition, this job is quite comfortable still, because the guest is gent mostly, what what belles want to do is to stop to get off just.

这一技术在流行病急症护理和紧急健康问题的监控中得到了良好的发展。This again is a technique that is well developed in epidemiological surveillance of casualty care requirements and emer- gent health problems.

运用博弈论中的“委托—代理理论”对代建制中存在的政府与代建单位之间的委托代理关系进行分析。The principal-agent relationship between the government and construction agency is analyzed based on the principal-a- gent theory in game theory.

但有一天,她目睹了他急躁时的表现,这表现让她大吃一惊,实在没有想到“绅士也疯狂”。But one day, she witnessed the performance when he is impatient, this expression makes her astonied , did not think of really " gent is mad also ".

看他现在的造型更像是山顶洞人,很难想象这就是21世纪因绅士风度而得名的那个前英格兰队队长。Sporting his unkempt look, the former England skipper appeared more caveman than the 21st Century gent famed for his dalliances with waxing and sarongs.

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水利翻译看他现在的造型更像是山顶洞人,很难想象这就是21世纪因绅士风度而得名的那个前英格兰队队长。Sporting his unkempt look, the former England skipper appeared more caveman than the 21st Century gent famed for his dalliances with waxing and sarongs.

西方有句话说,女人听男人解开袖扣,如同男人听到女人滑下连衣裙拉链。It has been said that watching a gent undo his cufflinks is every bit as sensual for a woman as for a man to hear the zipper slide down the back of a dress.

这项新的生产工艺将会从2009年开始在该公司位于萨斯范根特市的工厂内投入使用,但若想让大象粪便能够得到大规模的商业利用则还需要更长一些的时间。Production based on the new method can start at the firm's plant in Sas van Gent in 2009, though it will take longer for most of the new feedstocks to become commercially viable.