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弱者死亡。The weak die.

她身体很弱。She is very weak.

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她当时太虚弱。She was too weak.

弱一致性。Weak consistency.

为什么我如此脆弱?Why am I so weak?

但我也不弱。But I am not weak.

他又老有弱。He is old and weak.

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我感觉非常虚弱。I feel really weak.

他有一个软弱的心。He had a weak heart.

南达是一个软弱的人。Nanda is a weak man.

坏男人的骨头好软啊!How weak bad men are!

她身体还很虚弱。She is still so weak.

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我今天不弱。I am not weak anymore.

谁弱又谁强。Who is weak or strong?

他品格不好。He has a weak character.

他身体太弱,站不起来。He was too weak to stand.

因为她太虚弱根本走不动。She was too weak to move.

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病人很衰弱。The patient is very weak.

我比较喜欢淡一点的茶。I like my tea rather weak.

位于23500点的支撑是弱的。Support at 23500 was weak.