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你和一个夜宿的女孩亲热了?。You made outwith a girl from a sleepover?

我和我的朋友们外出,骑著我们的脚踏车闲晃。Be outwith my friends, on our bikes we'd roam.

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而我呢则把头枕在了她的膝盖上。I am lying stretched outwith my head in her lap.

周末的时候,他经常带我和妈妈出去玩。At weekends, he oftenest outwith me and my mother for fun.

我喜欢和你在一起。感谢你今天晚上的一切我们下次再约。I like hanging outwith you. Thanks for tonight. Let's do it again.

深深的挖掘自己的想法,最终你会更加自信。Dig deep within yourself, and you'll come outwith even greater self-confidence.

否则,这些挑剔的的“面试官”会用一副不耐烦的表情来踢你出局。If not, the picky "judges" will tell you that you are outwith an impatient look.

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大多数服务员都会乐意去帮助一个浪漫的家伙。Most waitresses will be happy to help a romantic guy outwith this type of thing.

中国的父母通常不允许他们在上中学的孩子晚上出去和他们的朋友们玩。Chinese parents usually don't allow their children in middle school to go outwith their friends at night.

他多么希望可以和他的新伙伴们一起在这样的夜色下潜水,但是没有人愿意去。He wished he had gotten one of his new diving buddies to go outwith him, but when they all declined he decided to go anyway.

建立了微量对硝基酚戊酸酯法测定小鼠皮肤匀浆脂族酯酶活力。A microassay method for aliesterase activity with p-nitrophenyl valerate was established and tried outwith mouse skin homogenate aliesterase.

对于华力西造山运动与上侏罗纪再到白垩纪这一大时间跨度期间,从地图图幅区域之外了解不到多少地质历史的相关证明材料。For the great interval of time between the Variscan orogeny and the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous , the little evidence of the geological history comes from outwith the map sheet area.

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然而,这种新的预测模型需要经过新的试管受精数据验证后才可以推广全球作为临床决策指导及并给予病人建议。However, before this new prediction model can be used to guide clinical decisions globally and be used to counsel patients outwith the UK, it needs to be validated using independent IVF data.