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海之告别曲。Sea farewell song.

这是我们的辞别吗?。Is this our farewell?

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她挥手告别。She waved a farewell.

感谢你们,再会了。Thank you and farewell.

车站送别,依依惜别。Station to bid farewell.

他向女主人告辞。He bade the hostess farewell.

我们设宴为他饯行。We gave him a farewell dinner.

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那是什么样的告别语?What sort of farewell is that?

我是来向你辞行的。I have come to bid you farewell.

或许,给你办一场欢送派对?Perhaps a farewell party instead?

她向她的朋友告别。She bowed farewell to her friend.

朱瓦宁告别了妈妈,出发了。Jack bid her farewell and set out.

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再见吧,自由的大海!Farewell to you, unharnessed Ocean!

希望你们享受这个告别的华尔兹。I hope you enjoy the farewell waltz.

他们对朋友挥手告别。They waved farewell to their friends.

我们将设宴为他饯行。We'll give a farewell dinner for him.

我们需要为他举办一个送别晚晏吗?Need we take a farewell party for him?

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他挥动帽子表示告别。He bade his farewell by waving his hat.

但愿无告别的哀痛。And may there be no sadness of farewell.

我们准备给你开一个欢送会。We're planning a farewell party for you.