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我还参加“有计划的生育”。and I also am a participant with Planned Parenthood.

选择同居或单身父母的人变得很少。Cohabitation and single parenthood by choice were very rare.

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他们会用为人父母的本能来玩一些相似的把戏。They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood.

作为父母,你可以也应该成为有趣和快乐之源。Parenthood can and should be a source of happiness and wonderful fun.

联邦财政预算不应该为计划生育买单,因为计划生育就意味着坠胎。No federal financing for Planned Parenthood because it performs abortions.

这的确是一个过渡的时期,一如更年期,或是刚当上爸妈的时期。It's a time of transition, just like the first year of parenthood or menopause.

该药物可以在药房、诊所和计划生育单位购得。It's available at drugstores, as well as health clinics and Planned Parenthood.

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婚姻和生育已经把Gell的婚姻变成了“性的禁飞区域”。Marriage and parenthood had turned Gell’s marriage into a “sexual no-fly zone.”

他至少提醒了我,要做很棒的家长,就要有很强的责任感。He reminded me, at least, that with great parenthood comes great responsibility.

会上讨论了父母应尽的职责。The responsibilities that appertain to parenthood were discussed at the meeting.

猩猩母亲则要做长达八年的独自养育幼儿的单亲家长。Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants.

但与其被它吓得完全不敢做父母,倒不如做另外一种选择。But rather than let that scare me off from parenthood altogether, I did the alternative.

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那些选择丁克家庭的人们,与其父辈相比较,更加重视与配偶之间的关系。People who choose DINK cherish their relationship with their spouses more than parenthood.

很多时候,拥有一只宠物能协帮年轻夫妻做为人父母责任的预备。In many cases, having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood.

当然,如同大多数夫妇所发现的,初次当父母真是感到既惊讶奇妙又精疲力尽。Of course, as most couples find, first-time parenthood is equal parts wonder and exhaustion.

生活循规蹈矩,缺乏变化,这会抹杀为人父母的乐趣,让为人父母变成了只剩下压力和责任。Never varying your routine zaps the joy and makes parenthood all about pressure and obligation.

对女人而言,婚姻不再是获得经济保障和成为父母亲的必经之路。Women no longer view matrimony as a necessary station on the road to financial security or parenthood.

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克隆可能是不育者的福音,除此之外,他们不可能体验到生物学上的父母身份。Cloning could be a blessing for the infertile, who otherwise could not experience biological parenthood.

随着现代社会婚姻的动荡和单亲家庭的增多,重组家庭变得越来越普遍。With marital breakdown and single parenthood increasing, step-families are becoming more and more common.

即使在业务保持计划生育,法律诊所将应变的能力,布朗利说。Even with Planned Parenthood kept in business, the law will strain the clinic's capabilities, Brownlie said.