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生物科技类股今天表现非常强势。Biotech stocks are really on fire today.

反对者还质疑生物技术食品的安全性。Opponents also question the safety of biotech foods.

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创办于2006年2月,公司座落在美丽的城市江苏姜堰。Supeng Biotech Co. , Ltd was set up in February 2006.

但他们同样会讥笑抗虫生物技术作物。But they scoffed at insect-resistant biotech crops too.

我可不认为这些评论适合绿色科技或者生物科技行业。I don't think it is applicable to greentech or biotech.

克隆家畜成为生物技术农业下一个前沿。Cloned livestock are the next frontier in biotech farming.

生物技术到时候将成为新的传统农业。Biotech will, in time, become the new conventional agriculture.

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安进公司是世界上最大最成功的生物科技公司。Amgen is the world's largest and most successful biotech company.

安进公司是世界上最大最成功的生物科技公司。Amgen is the world’s largest and most successful biotech company.

他选购的对象是遭受重创的生物技术股和医疗器械股。He's bought the stocks of battered biotech and medical device makers.

线上冒险游戏身临其境的生物技术处理一系列问题。Immersive online adventure game dealing with a host of biotech issues.

合并比率转化为价值EUR1.26每股凝胶渗透色谱仪。The merger ratio translates into a value of EUR1.26 per share of GPC Biotech.

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山东科兴生物制品有限公司是一家高科技生物制药企业。Shandong Kexing Bioproducts Co. , Ltd. is a biotech pharmaceutical enterprise.

圣地亚哥生物科技公司的首席执行官克里斯.卡尔霍恩说。says Chris Calhoun, CEO of San Diego-based biotech company Cytori Therapeutics.

在今日的环境中,生技创业家应该在他们的创投业者身上寻找什麽?What should biotech entrepreneurs look for in their VCs, in today's environment?

新兴的小型生物技术公司扩展迅猛,令大企业深感压力。Small, biotech startups are moving quickly putting pressure on the big companies.

因此,如果你是一家生物科技初创公司,那么就去找那些喜欢这个领域的人。So, if you have a biotech start-up, find out who the people are who like your space.

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如果生物技术行业的小公司没有从大企业口袋里赚钱,它们必定会破产。Biotech start-ups would go bust were they not given work by giants with deep pockets.

FDA扩大生物药品的适应症的决定中体现了明显的趋势。The trend is apparent in the FDA's approval ofexpanded indications for biotech drugs.

ISAAA的报告预测,到2015年种植生物作物的农民将达到2000万。ISAAA predicts that the number of biotech farmers will reach 20 million or more by 2015.