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她在办公室里绘制建筑图。She scaled the building in her office.

保护森林计划现在已经准备扩大规模。Bolsa Floresta is now ready to be scaled up.

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正午,我沿着房子一侧向上走去At noon I scaled along the house-side as far as

这个指标是相关系数So this is a measure--it's a scaled covariance.

有,我数不清我爬过的山了。Yes, I can't count the mountains I have scaled.

看着像一台缩版的专业烘焙机。It looks like a scaled down professional roaster.

1972年英特尔推出了8008,是4004拓展。In 1972, Intel delivered the 8008, a scaled up 4004.

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在QVGA分辨率视频播放,扩大规模,目前。Videos play at QVGA resolution, scaled up, currently.

按比扩展后同样还可以在更大的飞机上使用。It could also be scaled up for use on bigger aircraft.

这一次我们算是见识到什么叫做锯状鳞片蝰蛇。This one showed us why it was called saw scaled viper.

蒙德都巷子的小街垒很容易跨过去。The little barricade of the Mondetour lane can be scaled.

注意图像是如何缩放以适合所选范围的。Notice how the image is scaled to fit the selected extent.

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街垒出现了人在上面竞相攀登的场面,它有着一簇象鬃毛样披散的火光。The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes.

法国兵没有梯子,便用指甲抓着往上爬。As they had no ladders, the French scaled it with their nails.

如何使一个规模很小的现场图,从图评税。How to make a scaled site plan from the tiny tax assessors map.

为获得局部精确度,全球模型必须被缩小范围。To get local-level accuracy, global models must be scaled down.

蜥趾龙有防水的鳞片状皮肤,水性很好。Varactyls have waterproof scaled skin and are powerful swimmers.

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一些大点的孩子说,他们已经降低了对礼物的要求。Some older children say they have scaled back their gift requests.

对所绘制的图元文件进行缩放和剪切,以适合平行四边形的大小。The drawn metafile is scaled and sheared to fit the parallelogram.

授权可以用分布式、联邦式的模型来解决升级问题。Authorization can be scaled by using a distributed, federated model.