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是古筝吗?Is it zither?

这是一只齐特琴吗?This is Zoë's sister's zither.

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古筝是一种有13根弦的弹拨乐器。The Koto is a zither with 13 strings.

来自番禺,爱好长笛和古筝演奏。From Fanyu, like to play flute and zither.

我的朋友戴逵弹得一手好琴。My friend Dai Kui plays the zither so well.

非常喜欢长笛,还擅长古筝演奏。Very like flute , and to be good at zither.

来自杭州,擅长长笛和古筝演奏。From hangzhou , like to play flute and zither.

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潮州筝就是其中的一大流派。The Chaozhou zither is one of its large genres.

为没有原因华美的古筝有五十串。For no reasons the gorgeous Zither has fifty strings.

中国古筝艺术有着悠久的历史传统。Art of the Chinese zither has its centuries-old history.

来自乌鲁木,擅长长笛和古筝的演奏。From wulumuqi , to be adept in flute and zither playing.

刚才大家欣赏的是舞蹈〈踏歌起舞〉,下面请欣赏古筝双奏〈战台风〉。After a beautiful dance, let's enjoy wonderful music played by Chinese zither.

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体态律动对古筝演奏及教学有着重要作用。Body rhythm plays an important role in Zither performance, learning and teaching.

这座庙主要为印度主神之一毗瑟挐而建。This temple mainly adjoins the Chinese zither one of for Indian Lord to construct.

喜欢运动、登山、游泳、中国哲学文化、古筝曲、上网。Like sport, mountaineering, swimming, China philosophical culture, zither song, surf the Net.

对于悲愁来说,以琴箫两种乐器最有表现力。To express sadness and anxiety, the zither and the flute are the two most effective instruments.

音乐家约翰带着一把价值不菲的古董名琴,悄悄来到人潮不断的地铁站演奏。John, a famous musician, took his pricelessantique zither and played it in the crowded subway station.

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这首歌,周杰伦用中国的鼓、铮和长笛唤起中国功夫的精神。In the song, Chow uses Chinese drums, the zither and the flute to call up the spirit of Chinese Kungfu.

音乐家约翰带着一把代价不菲的古玩名琴,暗暗去到人潮不竭的天铁站吹奏。John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither and played it in the crowded subway station.

普遍的说法,认为筝在春秋、战国时期就广泛流传,至今已有2500多年的历史。It is generally believed that zither became popular as early as 2500 years ago in Spring and Autumn Period.