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罗得里格兹先生昨天问我这事了。A. Mr Rodrigues was asking me about yesterday.

罗德里格斯和托尼德马托斯开始自己的事业。Rodrigues and Tony de Matos started their careers.

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我们希望政府能再次颁布这样的措施“,罗觉果斯说。We want them to repeat the measure, " said Rodrigues."

罗觉果斯说,政府在国会中支持这一提议,并希望转基因生物的使用获得批准。Rodrigues said the government prefers approving GMO use, with support for the idea in Congress.

玛丽亚并没有听丈夫的解释,马上提出离婚。Refusing to listen to her husband's protestations of innocence, Mrs Rodrigues filed for divorce.

但是,农业部长罗伯托·罗觉果斯告诫生产商要遵守承诺。However, Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues warned producers that they must meet commitments.

据英国慈善机构“拯救犀牛”估计,总数为700多头,罗德里格斯认为是400头左右。Save the Rhino, a British-based charity, puts the total at above 700. Rodrigues says it is about 400.

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罗觉果斯坦言,这样的产量将给巴西本已不堪重负的交通系统和仓储系统带来极大压力。This will put extreme pressure on Brazil's creaking transport and warehousing systems, Rodrigues admitted.

罗德里格斯表示,在中国犀角是非常珍贵的药材,而津巴布韦与中国的贸易往来成为其中一个重要的驱动因素。Rodrigues said that Zimbabwe's trade links with China, where the rhino horn is highly prized as medicinal, are a driving factor.

上周,农业部长罗伯托·罗觉果斯说,他希望国会能在下一个大豆种植季度开始以前批准立法。Last week, Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues said he was hopeful Congress could approve legislation before the next soybean crop.

目前农场主们已开始对政府产生抵触情绪。在别无选择的情况下,条例最好还是允许使用转基因大豆“,罗觉果斯说。"It would be better to have regulations allowing GMOs as there is no way the farmers are going to turn their back on them, " said Rodrigues.

棒球手贝兰和商人罗德里格斯的事迹有助于美国拉美裔了解他们的先辈所留下的文化遗产。The stories of ballplayer Bellán and trader Rodrigues offer Americans of Latino and Hispanic origin understanding of the legacies of their predecessors.

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Rodrigues说新年派对上,数百位年轻人激怒了大象,致使其踩踏一些汽车,并未致使人员伤亡。Rodrigues said that the elephant was provoked into trashing cars by some of the hundreds of young people at a New Year's party, and that no one was hurt.

罗觉果预言,即使不取消禁令,豆农照样会播种转基因豆种。Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues predicted that even if the ban were not lifted, soybean producers would likely continue planting biotech seeds, anyway.

“他们事后并不消除镇静剂的药效,所以犀牛往往由于过热而死,”罗德里格斯说,“任何人发现这些注射了镇静剂的犀牛都不能食用它的肉,如果吃了的话就会死。”"They don't reverse the tranquilliser, so the rhino overheats and dies, " Rodrigues said. "Anyone who then finds it can't eat the meat – you will die if you do.

卢卡斯全名卢卡斯-罗德里格斯-莫拉-席尔瓦,今年18岁,去年进入圣保罗队,四次代表巴西国家队出场。The 18-year-old, whose full name is Lucas Rodrigues Moura da Silva, broke into the Sao Paulo team last year and has made four appearances for the Brazilian national side.

巴西农业部说,关于向中国出口大豆一事,巴西农业部长罗伯托·罗觉果斯上周签署了一份新的安全评估资料。Brazil's Agriculture Minister Roberto Rodrigues last week signed a new safety evaluation for its soy exports for delivery to China, the Brazilian Agriculture Ministry said.

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同时,罗觉果上周还说,政府赞同孟山都公司从明年起收取使用费的权利,但到目前为止还没有就本年度的许可证进行讨论。Meanwhile, Rodrigues also said last week that the government defended Monsanto's right to charge royalties from next year but was not up to date with discussions on licenses for this season.

罗觉果说这项法令是他向新任总统卢拉提议的,该法令虽然是临时性的,但面对非法大豆总比坐视不理要好。Rodrigues said he was the one who proposed the decree to Brazil's new president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, because it was a better solution, although temporary, than ignoring the illegal crops.