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让你的业务人性化。To Humanize Your Business.

许多国家想促使战争人道化,可是没有效。Nations have tried feebly to humanize war.

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我的一些老师想把这一求学过程变得更人性化些。Some of my professors tried to "humanize" the process.

这些措施的目的是使监狱体制更人性化。These measures are intended to humanize the prison system.

请不要处处使用文绉绉的言辞,让你的语言更加人性化,更加简单易懂。Don't appear so scholarly pray. Humanize your talk, and speak to be understood.

在剧中,演员试图去表现剧作家人性的一面,而不仅仅是为其歌功颂德。In the show, the actor attempts to humanize rather than eulogize the playwright.

很多人,包括漫画家亚当斯,都试图让这种办公室格局更加人性化。Lots of people, including cartoonist Adams, have tried to humanize the sterile cubicle.

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目的人源化抗人纤维蛋白单链抗体的重链,降低人抗鼠抗体反应。Objective To humanize the V H of anti human fibrin ScFv 8E5 for minimizing the human anti mouse antibody response.

系统采用高速跳频、纠错编码等抗干扰措施,设计实现了一个超短波无线通信系统。Under the premise of high-performance systems require a high controllability, it is need more humanize than anciently design.

用社区媒体来宣传你的新酒店主要就是让你的生意人性化、和粉丝们建立情感联系。The point of using social media for your new hotel is to humanize the business and create an emotional connection with your fans.

他们结了婚,从此过上了幸福的生活,正是在她的影响下,约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒试图把功利主义人性化。She and Mill got married, they lived happily ever after, and it was under her influence that John Stuart Mill tried to humanize utilitarianism.

要么选择从B细胞产生的众多抗体中筛查,要么通过给小鼠接种然后制备人源化抗体。You can either sift through human B cells and look for ones that will make the right antibodies or you can vaccinate mice and "humanize" the mouse antibodies.

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并认为通过外部空间的整体化和人性化设计,使高层综合体可以被有机的组合到城市空间中,实现城市与建筑的共生。And by the integrative and humanize designing, highrise complex maybe combined into urban spaces organically, realizing the symbiosis of urban and architecture.

在其发展过程中,时尚逐渐在手机设计中占据了重要地位,这也是科技人性化的必然结果。During the course of development, the fashion have become an important part in cell phone design, which is result of humanize development in science technology.

当我们将这个词用在人身上,就是在说那些能从逆境中”弹起“的人们,那些在困难时期不屈不挠,并且能回复到健康状态。When we humanize the word, we speak of those who bounce back from adversity, those who persevere through difficult times and return to a healthy state of being.

亚柏林克斯的科学家已将奈米抗体人源化,动物实验也显示狒狒对这种微小的骆马抗体不会产生任何反应。Ablynx scientists have worked out ways to humanize antibodies, and studies with baboons have found that they raise no immune response to the tiny llama proteins.

就自然物的人化而言,梅花的人化在中国是最普遍的,梅花的人化是最全面的,人化后的梅花具有最丰富的人类情感,也具有其他植物所没有的复杂的人际关系。As far as the humanization of a natural object is concerned, the most common thing in China is to humanize the Mei flower. It is also the most comprehensive thing.

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这些广告并没有直接辩白或者直接改变人们的看法,只是引导大众从人性的角度来看待气象学家造假的问题。The ad campaign is not being used to confront skeptics or to attempt to set the record straight, but rather to humanize climate scientists in the eyes of the general public.

本人认为,音乐教育是个切入点,它对于营造监狱文化氛围,促进监狱管理人性化有着举足轻重的意义。The authors thinks that musical education is a point of contact. It plays an important role in building a cultural atmosphere and in promoting humanize management in prison.

通过她的电影、公众形象以及出众的杂志形象,她在那段种族歧视猖獗的日子里为亚裔美国人在白种人中赢来了“人性化”的尊重。Through her films, public appearances, and prominent magazine features, she helped to "humanize" Asian-Americans to white audiences during a period of overt racism and discrimination.