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帕里教授说,我们需要更多的可用资金。Prof Parry said a lot more money needs to be made available.

双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks.

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帕里抱起胳膊,腔调变得坦率而世故起来。Parry crossed his arms and adopted a worldly, man-to-man tone.

我不知回答什么,不知怎样背叛,坦白和逃避开。And I didn`t know what to answer, how to betray, confess, parry.

帕里曾是一位很好的演员,但现在恐怕已经不再走…Parry was a very good actor, but I'm afraid he's had his day now.

我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。We sought to parry the charateristic soviet lunge with fancy footwork.

约翰Hibbert的大力轰门,使得守门员只能躲闪。John Hibbert set up a goal with a good shot the goalkeeper could only parry.

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Parry展示了繁荣生长在这一炎热地带的迷人动植物。Parry showcases fascinating creatures and plant life that thrive in the heat.

同时行政长官帕里承认他有点不情愿面对希丁克的队伍。And chief executive Parry admitted he was almost half-expecting Guus Hiddink's side.

他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.

帕里说,这些问题对日本起草的决议案的共同提案国来说,都是"根本性"的问题。Those issues are "basic" for the co-sponsors of Japan's draft resolution, Jones Parry said.

明处来的枪容易躲开,暗中射来的箭难以提防。比喻种种公开的和隐蔽的攻击。It is easy to parry a spear thrust in the open, but hard to dodge an arrow shot in the dark.

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“费尔南多·托雷斯是非卖品”,利物浦俱乐部首席执行官在他们的网站上表示。“Fernando Torres is just not for sale, ” chief executive Rick Parry told the club’s website.

但是,琼斯·帕里大使说,安理会在所要达到目标的问题上并无分歧。Nevertheless, Jones Parry said, there is no disagreement in the Security Council on the goal.

萨莉非常想见到扎普,和他说说话,可帕里先生不允许。She really wants to meet and speak to Zapp, but Mr Parry says, 'Stop talking and do some work! '

即使让科拉松•阿基诺阴差阳错地肩负起伟人的使命,而且有段日子确实如此,她也尽力去躲避这种责任。IF GREATNESS was thrust upon Corazon Aquino, and for a while it was, she did her best to parry it.

保险方在支付每一笔保险费后,应将支付证明提交给另一方。When each premium is paid, the insuring Parry shall submit evidence of payment to the other Party.

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辛德雷先生曾吩咐过我,只要在林惇私自拜访时我就得作个第三者。Mr Hindley had given me directions to make a third parry in any private visits Linton chose to pay.

阿纳金逼近过来,接着机敏地躲避,但先朝他对手的脸上踢出了重重的一脚。Anakin advances, following parry with riposte, before delivering a hefty boot to his opponent's face.

我们用恭维、闲谈、消遣,或者用事务,来逃避或挡开同伴的接近。We parry and fend the approach of our fellow-man by compliments, by gossip, by amusements, by affairs.