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美国铝业也于2007年退出了。Alcoa got out in 2007.

美国铝业是在股票市场收市后发布业绩消息的。Alcoa released earnings after the market closed.

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同年我们与美铝,美国AMPCO也建立了合作关系,大大丰富了我公司的产品在机械行业的应用。In the same year, we also established partnerships with ALCOA and AMPCO in the United States.

与交易,美国铝业公司目前拥有员工约63,000员工,在31个国家在世界各地。With the transaction, Alcoa now employs approximately 63,000 employees in 31 countries across the world.

美铝已经成功研制开发了7055-w及2099-T3挤压整体加筋板搅拌摩擦焊缝模型及程序。Alcoa also has developed and qualified friction stir weld tools and procedures for 7055-W and 2099-T3 ISPs.

美铝和不锈钢第一版是在本周早些时候发布的一个非常有限的30件一批。The Alcoa and stainless steel first edition was released earlier this week in a very limited 30-piece batch.

美国铝业公司将在周一股市收盘后发布财报,拉开第四季度财报季序幕。Alcoa Inc. will kick off the fourth quarter earnings season by releasing its results after the market closes.

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由于第三季度的利润下降了一半以上,美国铝公司取消了其所有的”非重点”投资方案。After its third-quarter profit fell by more than half, Alcoa cancelled all its “non-essential” capital projects.

在道琼斯工业平均指数30种成分股中,有23只股票上涨,美国铝业公司、美国银行和家得宝公司涨幅居前。Alcoa Inc., Bank of America Corp. and Home Depot Inc. led gains in 23 of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks.

铝业公司美国铝业公司是出售其包装箔业务的一部分,削减和裁员的公司。Aluminum company Alcoa is to sell its packaging foils business as part of cutbacks and redundancies at the company.

为了促进制造业的发展,奥巴马总统将在下周参观美国铝业公司设爱荷华州在达文波特是的生产工厂。Obama will continue his push for advanced manufacturing next week when he visits an Alcoa plant in Davenport, Iowa.

美国铝业公司将于当天公布第四季度财报收益,据FactSet采集数据显示,预计美国铝业公司第四季度利润约合每股18美分。Alcoa is expected to post a fourth-quarter profit of 18 cents per share, according to estimates compiled by FactSet.

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周一收盘后美国铝业和CSX公司财报公布,此后欧洲股市上扬。European markets rose following the earnings reports from Alcoa and CSX, which were released after markets closed Monday.

继英特尔公司和美国铝业公司本周早些时候公布财报后,摩根大通银行财报显示高额利润。JPMorgan Chase &Co. was the latest company to report big profits, following Intel Corp. and Alcoa Inc. earlier in the week.

本季度,美国铝业公司说铝的第三方价格——铝原材料——会有所增高。In the quarter, Alcoa said there was a 1 percent increase in third-party prices for alumina — the raw material for aluminum.

周二美国铝业公司和CSX铁路运输公司财报盈利超过预期,投资者反应热烈。Investors reacted warmly Tuesday to better-than-expected profits from aluminum maker Alcoa Inc. and railroad operator CSX Corp.

美国铝业称各方面的业务均有增长,客户涵盖航空、汽车、商业运输和包装行业。Alcoa said business improved from a range of customers, including aerospace, automotive, commercial transportation and packaging industries.

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美国铝业公布了季度亏损额,这个额度比预期的略少。该公司的首次索赔数量低于大家先前预计数量,这对于劳动力市场来说是一个好迹象。Dow-component Alcoa posts a narrower-than-expected quarterly loss and initial claims come in below consensus, a good sign for the labor market.

美铝全球初级金属每月举行一次物理高级管理者S&OP审查会议,以制定收入计划及相关的运营计划。Alcoa Global Primary Metals runs a monthly physical senior management S&OP review meeting to set the revenue plan and associated operational plans.

全球最大的铝生产商、道琼斯工业平均指数的成分股美国铝公司安排在下周四公布财报。Alcoa Inc. , the world's largest aluminum maker and a component of the blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average, is slated to report earnings on Thursday.