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自由是外在自由和内在自由的高度统一。Liberty is highly integrated with inherence and exterior.

谁说九零后的孩子不求上进?Who says the children not far cry from those halcyon inherence. for?

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歧义是人类多元化自然语言所固有的一种特性。Ambiguity is a special characteristic inherence in multiple human languages.

规律是事物发展变化的内在的本质的必然的联系。Rule is the inherence and necessary relationship of development and changes of things.

本文力求对地方文化与循环经济两者之间的内在联系加以探讨。So this paper will expound the inherence relationship between local culture and recycling economy.

可持续发展观念是现代社会经济稳定健康发展的内在需求。The concept of sustaining development is a inherence demand of social-economic stabilize healthy development.

VB更为严重的不足是由于固有优化方式使它的程序执行速度慢。The other more serious problem of VB is that it's slow to run programs because of its inherence -optimized mode.

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西方资产阶级启蒙运动思想家们也将正当防卫权视作天赋人权的内容之一。The west bourgeois torchbearers also affirm the self-defense as a kind of content in the inherence human rights.

形状是图像中目标的基本内在特性,是用于目标识别的重要特征,因此基于形状的目标识别方法研究具有重要意义。Shape is the inherence characteristic of an object in the image, and it is the important character used for the object recognition.

最后,对神经网络的某些固有缺陷和它应用于评估时的局限性的改进进行了展望。Finally, the modification of the inherence default and structure limitation when used on evaluation of the neural network is prospected.

在前一个层面他高度肯定了中国传统文化的内在价值,而在后一个层面他对中国传统文化作了系统深入地分析批判。In the former aspect, he highly affirmed the inherence value of traditional Chinese culture while in the later he made a systematic critique.

近代学者对于天赋人权、自由、平等等学说进行了充分的论证,对师生互动中教师公正的实现有很大的启发意义。In latter-day, researchers focused on inherence human rights, freedom, and equality and so on, which have hints to teacher's justice practice.

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得出,内在适应性性因子是城市地域空间扩展的基本因素,外在驱动因素是城市地域空间扩展的条件性因子。It can be concluded that the inherence factors are the basic ones of the urban spatial expansion, and the outer factors are condition of these.

如何根据混沌固有的性质,对地震勘探资料中的有效信号进行提取是许多科学工作者极为关注的问题。It is a hot problem considered by many scientists that how to extract the valid signal in data of seismic prospecting with inherence of the chaos.

本文首先从理论上分析了顾客价值和竞争优势的关系,揭示了顾客价值与企业竞争优势的内在逻辑。Firstly, the paper analyzed the relationship between competitive advantage and customer value and explained the inherence logic of these two concepts.

了解员工真实的内心需求,促进员工的自我激励,加强内在因素的激励作用。Find out Staff's realty incenter requirement, to accelerate staff motivate by themselves, rein-force the inspirit function of human' s inherence factor.

本文采用声辐射模态的有关理论,用结构的声辐射模态参数来表征结构本身的固有声辐射特性。In the framework of linear sound theory, the inherence acoustic radiation properties of a structure are fully described by its acoustic radiation modes.

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模态是结构的固有振动特性,每一阶模态都具有特定的固有频率、阻尼比、振型、模态刚度和模态质量。Mode is structure's inherence characteristics , each mode has specifically resonant frequencies , damping values , mode shapes, mode stiffness and mode mass.

因为类的继承和多态性是面向对象程序设计语言的一种机制,而非一种语言成分,故以不同于上述三类语言成分的方式描述它们的公理语义。The inherence of class and polymorphism is a mechanism rather than a language component, so it is described in the different ways from the above three kinds.

教育是培养人的社会活动,人性论与教育观有着密切联系的内在逻辑性。Education is the social activity of fostering people. There is nearly inherence logicality between the treatise of human nature and the conception of education.