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随后趁其不备关上了房门。Then while the unprepared shut the door.

公司和政府对在线攻击措手不及。Companies and the government are unprepared.

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不过此次事件并没有超出过渡小组的预期。But the events have not caught the team unprepared.

没有比毫无准备的接受面试更糟糕的事情了。There is nothing worse than an unprepared interviewee.

另一些日子,你可能觉得完全没有准备和困淆。Other days, you may feel totally unprepared and confused.

下面的案例说明了世界旅游业尚未准备好开门迎客。Here are some indications of how unprepared the industry is.

如果贵司突然提出这个问题,他们也许会感到措手不及。They may be unprepared if you suddenly interpose the solution.

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差劲的面试官可能没有重点、没有兴趣、没事先准备。A bad interviewer might be unfocused, disinterested, unprepared.

很多父母都没有准备好向孩子们教授金钱的知识。Many parents are unprepared to teach their children about money.

奎-冈金极为诧异,根本没有料到这样一次攻击。Qui-Gon was utterly surprised and unprepared for such an attack.

当你做有关中学的梦时,你会梦到自己在大考来临时毫无准备,或者自己赤身裸体。Either you're woefully unprepared for a big test or you're naked.

魁刚.金完全的被吓到,且完全没有为攻击做好准备。Qui -Gon was utterly surprised and unprepared for such an attack.

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这猖獗而荒唐的行为叫马王二人一时措手不及。The rampant and absurd behavior that prince 2 for people unprepared.

有时,对于商业译文,我完全没有做好准备。I was totally unprepared for the business end of translation as well.

请把削了皮和配成对的梨准备好放在池塘边的没有准备好的梨旁边。Please prepare the paired pears near the unprepared pears near the pool.

她突然冒出这么一句来,让杰克措手不及。She suddenly interposes such a serious issue which is unprepared for Jack.

不打无准备之战。、我们要对客户的需求做充分的准备工作。Never go to war unprepared. We must be well prepared for our customers' needs.

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请把削了皮和配成对的梨准备好放在池塘边的没有准备好的梨旁边。Please prepare the paired pared pears near the unprepared pears near the pool.

请把剥了皮、配成对的梨放在池子边没准备好的梨旁边。Please prepare the paired pared pears neat the unprepared pears near the pool.

必须在出敌不意的时间或地点,以出敌不意的方式打击敌人。Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.