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他显然是表明他喝醉了。He needlessly told me he was drunk.

似乎是不必要的高风险。Seems like a needlessly large risk.

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你在不必要地折磨自己。You are fretting yourself needlessly.

不过,他不能毫无必要地娶那个老女人。But he must not espouse the old lady needlessly.

第一,我们厌恶没有必要地浪费能量。First, we have an aversion to needlessly expending energy.

它还将阻止不必要的人占用的数据。It would also discourage people from needlessly hogging data.

因而,实体名称的重复不必要地增加了标记的长度。Thus, repetition of entity names needlessly increases tag lengths.

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其次,返回很多空行使查询速度不必要地慢了下来。Secondly, returning many empty rows makes this query needlessly slow.

选美比赛占用了参赛选手以及观众不必要的时间。beauty pageants take the time needlessly of both the participants and the viewers

结果,运营商无谓地放弃了每个客户100条短信的收入。As a result, the operator needlessly forfeits revenue from 100 text messages per customer.

我们需要重视不定期随访这个问题以防止患者不必要地丧失视力。We need to address the issue of non-attendance to stop people from losing their sight needlessly.

不要贪多,那只会增加不必要的负担。从学习开始,您就要把新的语言当作与人沟通的主要工具。If you get more material than you can learn or use, you will increase your frustration needlessly.

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记住,许多庸人自扰的问题,都是来自我们过去所吸收的烂知识中,因发酵而生的。Listen! Many needlessly worried problems fermented in and from the bad knowledge that we have absorbed.

这就可以使剧组将同一场景的各个镜头一次性拍完,而不用来回往返于不同的地点。It helps them shoot all the scenes for one set together, instead of needlessly jumping between locations.

每年,有80多万名五岁以下的儿童死于腹泻——每分钟就有一名,而这本不该发生。Each year, more than 800,000 children under five die needlessly from diarrhoea – more than one child a minute.

在巴洛特利没必要地踢到特维斯的踝关节后面后,曼奇尼很生气并对他大声斥责。He was furious with the player after he needlessly clipped Tevez on the back of his ankle and was shouting at him.

在公司发展过程中,非营利性的企业和慈善机构无需就其筹资能力受到如此严格的制约。Non-profit firms and charities are needlessly restricted in their ability to raise capital when they need to grow.

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这样做是在发挥独立的监督政府的作用,还是给公众健康和安全带来无谓的危险?Would this be the act of an independent government watchdog or of one needlessly endangering public health and safety?

如果你使用了太多链接、大的导航栏,许多的标签和子标签,你会不必要地累坏你的访客。If you use too many links, big navigation bars, a number of tabs and sub tabs, you will needlessly wear out the visitor.

不仅从经典喜剧演员那里窃取笑料,还是种族主义者,对于什么都没有喜感。Not only does he steal jokes from classic comedians but he's needlessly racist and had no sense of comedic timing whatsoever.