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他们的微笑看起来好像是沾沾自喜。Their smiles seem smug.

我有一个表姐,她很爱臭美。I have a cousin, and she loves smug.

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那些拿着啤酒香烟的自鸣得意的家伙呢?The smug guy with the beer and the cigarette?

我拒绝与自以为是的电话作斗争。I refused to fight further with the smug phone.

这则消息给了法国人洋洋自得的资本。This news handed the French a license to be smug.

我要把你洗的脸掉层皮,看你还嚣张。I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.

正当他自鸣得意时,吉良开始感谢他。When Arivama was getting smug over it Kira thanked him.

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二度车网杭州负责人踌躇满志。Two degree vehicle net Hangzhou person in charge is smug.

而美狄亚为着自己成功的骗术而自鸣得意着逃离了。Medea flees the scene, smug in the success of her deception.

从这个角度讲,日本是一个洋洋得意的可怜国家。In this respect, Japan seems to be a smug and pathetic country.

1887年物理学家们对自己的学科都颇为自鸣得意。IN 1887 physicists were feeling pretty smug about their subject.

不过我还是觉得吃素和吃肉应该是一样高兴得事。I think vegans and vegetarians are nearly as smug as meat eaters.

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不过我知道,女孩子肯定爱臭美喽,嘿嘿,我也是。But I know that the girls definitely love smug myself, hey, me too.

所以,真正取得胜利的还是他那八面玲珑自命不凡的内弟。So the real victory was still with his smooth, smug brother-in-law.

“看在上帝面上,”海伦说,“别让我见到那位神气十足的女人吧。”"For God's sake, " Helen said, "Keep that smug woman out of my sight . "

对于部分幸运的囤积者们,这是洋洋得意并大肆朵颐的天赐良机。For the few lucky hoarders , this is a time to feel both smug and predatory.

美国海岸附近的一个岛屿——这就是自以为是的曼哈顿的定义。An island off the coast of America — so goes the smug definition of Manhattan.

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很少掉队或突然转向或摇摆或倾斜,踌躇满志的蛞蝓蹒跚了。Seldom swerving or straggling or swaying or skewing, the smug slug shambled on.

我在他那露着自鸣得意的笑容的脸上,加上了典型的蒸气朋克式的怒目而视,”西劳夫写道。I added the classic steampunk goggles to the smug grinning face, ” writes Sillof.

然而这并不妨碍那些自以为是的“激进”分子不假思索地崇拜他。This, however, does not hinder smug "radical" people from admiring him uncritically.