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Hesse先生也拒绝评论。Mr. Hesse declined to comment.

因为你,我才知道了什么是爱情。——赫尔曼?黑塞。If I know what love is, it is because of you. – Herman Hesse.

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在定居瑞士作家赫尔曼黑塞是最有名的'当地'作者。Swiss writer Hermann Hesse is the most famous 'local' author.

黑塞往往造成繁琐,重复的手工作品涉及迷恋。Hesse often created elaborate, handmade pieces involving obsessive repetition.

其面包咖啡馆成为知名的高端面包咖啡品牌。The Lind bakery café chain becomes a well known premium brand in the State of Hesse.

同样地,德国巴伐利亚州和黑森州也表示他们也将启动边境检查。Similarly, the German states of Bavaria and Hesse said they might introduce border checks.

“它取代并改善了此前使用纸质代金券的系统,”Hesse说。"It replaces and enhances previous voucher systems that worked using paper vouchers, " said Hesse.

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黑塞创建和质地的雕塑,以最小的有机形状,通过保留的关系。Hesse created minimal sculptures that retain a relationship to the organic through shape and texture.

黑塞喜欢不规则形状和曲面,这些材料生产的,也是半透明。Hesse loved the irregular shapes and surfaces that these materials produced, and also the translucency.

在1910-1920年中期的几年中,黑塞在接受荣格的精神分析助理巴顿郎的辅导。For several years in the mid-1910s, Hesse underwent psychoanalysis under Carl Jung's assistant J. B. Lang.

琳德烘焙公司由老罗伯特琳德在德国黑森州的一个小城镇——格雷本海恩创立。The Lind bakery was founded by Robert Lind Senior in Grebenhain, a small town in the State of Hesse in Germany.

荒原狼是由赫尔曼黑塞写的书,它“暴露了现代性的孤立和自我孤立的人的问题”。Steppenwolf is a book by Hermann Hesse that "exposes the problem of modernity's isolated and self-isolating man".

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“太阳已经醒来,并逐步活跃。我们正在不断靠近它最活跃的时期----估计是在2013年。”黑塞说。"The sun has woken up and is becoming more active as we approach the solar maximum, " expected in 2013, Hesse said.

海尔曼·黑塞是二十世纪最伟大的德国作家之一,于1946年获诺贝尔文学奖。Hermann Hesse is one of the greatest German writers of the 20th century, winner of the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature.

在过去20年间,他曾在联邦州黑森州和莱茵兰-普法尔茨州的几个公共机构工作。Over the past 20 years, he worked for several state institutions in the federal states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. Before Dr.

在幕后,诺斯勋爵悄悄的开始和与德意志黑森与布伦瑞克的几位领主关于雇佣军的谈判。Behind the scenes, Lord North had quietly begun negotiations with several German princes of Hesse and Brunswick to hire mercenary troops.

欧达尔团体是行业。内居独特地位的机械和机电设备。制造商,总部位于德国黑森州。The Ondal Group . is an exclusive manufacturer of mechanical and electromechanical. products and systems, which headquarters is located. in Hesse. n Germany.

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黑森州政府在新闻公报中说,这名餐饮服务公司的女职工在为一次聚会准备膳食时已是O104型大肠杆菌的带菌者,但当时并未发病。Hesse government said in its press releases, this catering company's female workers to prepare meals for a party when the carrier is E. coli O104, but was not sick.

黑森州州长罗兰·科赫说,如果中国政府压制“藏独”分子,抵制奥运会可能是西方“最后的手段”。Hesse governor Luolankehe that if the Chinese government suppressed the "Tibet independence" elements, the West is likely to boycott the Olympic Games "last resort.

赫尔曼•黑塞是很难得的通晓中国精神文化的西方大作家之一,他的作品与中国文化产生了广泛而全面的关联。Hermann Hesse was one of the rarest writers in the west who were well acquainted with the Chinese ideology and culture. His works have extensive connections with the Chinese culture.