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在1612年,沙贾汉娶了墨姆塔兹为妻。In 1612, Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal.

感谢上帝,礼萨王把那些都废止了。Thank God Reza Shah put an end to all that.

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"我们正在打造在线小型商场,"沙阿说。""We're creating mini malls online," Shah says.

后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too.

沙哲汗要把他爱妃的陵墓修得尽善尽美。Shah Jehan wanted his wife's tomb to be perfect.

两个星期之后,国王又召见了艾特马。Two weeks later, the shah met with Etemad again.

伊朗王特派遣我,他的孙子。His majesty the shah has sent me , his grandson..

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不过施维坦克•沙表示,仅仅拥有数据是不够的。Having the data, though, is not enough, Shah says.

他们的电话关机了,”Shah心急如焚地说。Their cell phone was off, " Shah said, distraught.

他不愿猜测谁是幕后主使者。Shah would not speculate on who may be behind the bombing.

沙放下他的机关枪,一股烟尘从枪筒里盘旋而出。Shah lowers his machine gun, smoke curling from the barrel.

而美国国际开发署的现任领导人就是盖茨的前雇员拉吉夫沙阿。USAID is now headed up by former Gates employee Rajiv Shah.

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沙阿说结果就是是网上商店可以自己推销。Shah says the result is an online store that promotes itself.

沙鲁克,谁是他即将上映的影片“镭忙拍。Shah Rukh, who is busy shooting for his forthcoming film "Ra."

沙迦汗王建造了泰姬玛哈陵来尊崇他的妻子。The emperor4, Shah Jahan, built the Taj Mahal to honor his wife.

流亡的伊朗国王穆罕默德·礼萨·马列维在埃及去世。Mohammad Reza Pahlavi , the Shah of Iran, died in Ehypt in exile.

辛格说“只要沙鲁克·汗高兴,我愿意为他做任何事情。"I will do anything that will make Shah Rukh Khan happy, " he said.

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沙哲汗和他爱妃的遗体就安放在这个房间下面的墓室里。The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room.

筛海乃格士班底要求他去世后要葬在他的花园里。When Shah Naqshband died he was buried in his garden as he requested.

沙贾汗的儿子篡夺王位后,将沙贾汗囚禁长达八年之久。After stealing the throne, Shah Jehan's son imprisoned him for 8 years.