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它在发光。It is glowing.

为什么它在发光?And why is it glowing?

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现在一个滚热的熨斗来了。And now came the glowing iron.

在南方的天空中发着光。Glowing in far Southern skies.

皮肤看起来水润容光焕发。Skin looks hydrated and glowing.

煤在黑暗中发着红光。The coals were glowing in the dark.

你的光辉艺术则永不凋残。But your glowing art will never sear.

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他乐得容光焕发,心里暖烘烘的。He was glowing and warm with delight.

照她一个密友的话说,简直是“容光焕发”。One friend described her as "glowing".

垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁And beding down beside the glowing bars

此时,黄昏绽放出蔚蓝色的霞光。By now the blue of twilight is glowing.

倒像是一团辉光云气。It looked like a bundle of glowing gas.

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当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

孩子跑完步脸蛋儿红通通的。The children had glowing cheeks after race.

是因为电子处于激发状态。It is glowing because electrons are excited.

他们从发光的海葵上方游过。UNDERWATER, they swim over glowing ANEMONES.

当你佝偻着,在灼热的炉栅边And beding down beside the glowing bars

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完整无缺的RNA生成可发出绿光的蛋白质。Intact RNA produces the glowing green protein.

犁地者对着发红的慢慢吹气。The plowman slowly blows at the glowing globe.

用小麦色肌肤迎接蔚蓝的大海!Getting your glowing sun tan to welcome the sea!