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青海地震死亡人数上升至617。Death toll up to 617 in Qinghai quake.

青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖。Qinghai Lake is China's largest lagoonal.

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生物起源地,秀美青海湖!Biological origin, beautiful Qinghai Lake!

在青海湖,最著名的是鸟岛。In Qinghai Lake, the most famous Bird Island.

旅游新兴地,神奇青海湖!Emerging tourism spot, the magic Qinghai Lake!

青海湖是中国最大的一个盐湖。Qinghai Lake is the biggest salt lake in China.

长江发源于青海。The Changjiang River rises in Qinghai Province.

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高原生物宝库,神奇的青海湖!Plateau biological treasure, the magic Qinghai Lake!

该清真寺内设立有青海阿横伊斯兰教经学院。It has a Heng Islam Yeshiva of Qinghai in this mosque.

土族、撒拉族是青海省特有的少数民族。Tu and Sala are the extra minority of QingHai province.

鸟岛位于青海湖的西北部。Bird Island is in the northwest section of Qinghai Lake.

青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖。The Qinghai Lake is the largest saltwater lake in China.

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青海湖是中国最大的内陆咸水湖。Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saltwater lake in China.

2004年,中国青海省八位村民死于鼠疫。In 2004, eight villagers in Qinghai province died of plague.

高原生物起源地,非常魅力青海湖!Plateau biological origin, the magic beautiful Qinghai Lake!

其群山的南部有个大湖泊,叫做青海湖。The large lake to the south of the mountains is Lake Qinghai

湖滨亚高山草甸为青海重要牧场。Lakeside subalpine meadow in Qinghai important for the ranch.

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我第一次来青海省是八、九年前的事了。My first trip to Qinghai province was about 8 or 9 years ago.

方延年,一九四六年生于青海省西宁市。Fang Yannian was born in Xining city, Qinghai province in 1946.

青海地处高原,生态脆弱。Qinghai Province is located in plateau area with fragile ecology.