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远处若隐若现的车流喧嚣。Distant traffic noises.

如此频繁地出现在遥远的水滨。So often on a distant shore.

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你们全部冷和远。You're all cold and distant.

在多远的深渊或穹苍点燃In what distant deeps or skies

信程就是您远方的亲戚。Zero is your distant relatives.

他被放逐到一个很远的地方。He was exiled to a distant land.

梦在远方化成一缕香。Distant dreams rise like incense.

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他是我的远房亲戚。He is a distant relation of mine.

我离万物,是多么遥远!How distant I am from everything!

说是辽远的海的相思。It is called miss of distant sea.

拉里被放逐到一个很远的地方。Larry was exiled to a distant land.

她是我的远房亲戚。She is one of my distant relatives.

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这声音像远方瀑布喧响。Sound like a distant torrent's fall.

牧童遥指杏花村。The distant Apricot Blossoms Village.

那两个男孩是远房亲戚。Those two boys are distant relations.

它给远方的祖国留下了什么?What left it in its homeland distant?

歌声随风飘送到我们耳中。A distant song was wafted to our ears.

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侦探们撤出来并驱散了围观者。Detectives fade to distant bystanders.

远处轰隆旳炮声把我们吵醒。The distant rumbling of guns awoke us.

从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。The hill commands a fine distant view.