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这位第43任美国总统在1994年第一次参与了德克萨斯州长的竞选,照片中他正在德州的霍克利参加猎鸽活动。The 43rd President joins a dove hunt in 1994 in Hockley, Texas during his first Texas gubernatorial campaign.

公正地总结下来,在我担任州长的第一个任期内,说我在政策上取得了成功,但在政治上却陷入了灾难。I think a fair summary of my first gubernatorial term is that it was a policy success and a political disaster.

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研讨职员查阅了20年来总统、商讨员、州少的拉选结因。The researchers looked at the election results from 20 years' worth of presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial races.

研究人员查阅了20年来总统、参议员、州长的选举结果。The researchers looked at the election results from 20 years’ worth of presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial races.

代理人的头衔很会授给一些小行省的总督,但这点最后在下一节讨论。The title procurator is also given to a minor gubernatorial posistion, but this could better be discussed among the next category.

本月月初在佛吉尼亚和新泽西举行的州选举中,独立党中支持共和党的成员占多数,比例为二比一。Earlier this month, however, independents sided with Republicans by a 2-to-1 ratio in gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey.

中国古的社会特点和结构,以及统治者的反人民性的本质,决定了族刑得以延续。Clan punishment continued resulting from ethic society and machinery in archaic China, and gubernatorial essence of in reverse dumb millions.

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但是,其中一位候选人–俄亥俄州失败的州长候选人肯•布莱德维尔,打击同性恋的兴趣远大于摇摆选民。But one of them, Ken Blackwell, a failed gubernatorial candidate from Ohio, shows little interest in swing voters and tends to bang on about gays.

三人将广告学、政治学和计算机科学融汇在一起起草了一份为州长的竞选活动创办网站的商业计划书。The trio pooled their knowledge of advertising, politics, and computer science to create a business plan for building gubernatorial campaign websites.

同年,另一位黑人候选者道格拉斯怀尔德在弗吉尼亚州长正式选举的前一天还领先对手11点,结果只以0.5的优势赢得对手。in the same year Douglas Wilder, another black candidate, was 11 points ahead the day before the Virginia gubernatorial election, and won by only 0.5.

另外,由于祥瑞灾异还经常被作为一种政治工具与手段,在统治阶级内部的权力争夺中得到广泛的运用。In addition, auspicious sign and disaster-abnormity had been broad utilized in gubernatorial power contention as a kind of political tool and artifice.

在2010年的州长选举中,卡西奇先生承诺解决巨额预算赤字问题并阻挡失业大潮,从而打败了民主党在任者。In the 2010 gubernatorial election, Mr Kasich defeated the Democratic incumbent by promising to address a large budget deficit and stem a tide of job losses.

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安帕图安的州长竞争对手满古达达图是当地的另一个权势家族的老资格元首,他已知威胁到生命的时候还拒绝下台。Ampatuan's gubernatorial rival Mangudadatu is the doyen of another powerful local family and had refused to stand down amid reported threats against his life.

他第一次为里根拍照是在1966年的一次早餐会上,也就是在那次早餐会上,罗纳德.里根宣布参加1966年的加州州长竞选。He first photographed the Reagans in 1965, when he covered a breakfast event where Ronald Reagan announced he was entering California's 1966 gubernatorial race.

美国中期选举结果,执政的民主党惨遭失败,失去参众两院的多数和11个州长。The ruling Democratic Party suffered a big defeat in the mid-term election, losing majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives and 11 gubernatorial seats.

研究人员将1988年至2002年间共58次州长竞选的辩论录像制作成10秒钟的消声视频剪辑,并邀请264名调查对象参加了实验。The study used 10-second long silent video clip extracts of debates from 58 gubernatorial elections between 1988 and 2002. Some 264 subjects participated in the study.

研究人员将1988年至2002年间共58次州长竞选的辩论录影制作成10秒钟的消声视频剪辑,并邀请264名调查对象参加了实验。The study used 10-second long silent video clip extracts of debates from 58 gubernatorial elections between 1988 and 2002. Some 264 subjects participated in the study.

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斯塔尔起诉佩里县银行的两位拥有者律师小赫比·布兰斯科姆和会计罗布·希尔,指控的罪名与我1990年的州长竞选有关。Starr had indicted the two owners of the Perry County Bank, lawyer Herby Branscum Jr. and accountant Rob Hill, on charges arising out of my 1990 gubernatorial campaign.

与此同时,更多的俄罗斯人开始呼唤重启州选举——普京在帮助克林姆林宫掌握了地方领导人任命权后于2004年取消了这项选举。At the same time, more Russians have started clamoring for the return of gubernatorial elections, which Putin canceled in 2004 when he handed the Kremlin the right to appoint regional leaders.