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第一个因素很简单,就是月亮进入阴影的深度。The first is simply how deeply the moon goes into the umbra.

阴影的中心要比边缘暗得多,”杂志上说。The center of the umbra is much darker than its edges, " it says.

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由于大气折射造成的影响可忽略。The expansion of the umbra caused by atmosphere can be disregarded.

唯有在月球的本影投影在地球表面时,在该区域的人才能够观测到日食。Only moon umbra totally puts on earth, the shadow area can watch the eclipse.

暗影界影响紧随着他们,带给他们怪诞的神秘气息。The scent of the Dark Umbra clings to them, adding to the eerie mystery that shrouds them.

这种旋涡结构可能是由于A本影的逆时针自旋运动造成的。The formation of this spiral structure may be caused by the anti-clockwise spin of umbra "A".

而太阳黑子中央有一个黑色的本影,周围有颜色较浅的半影,并不会出现太阳能电池板。Sunspots, individually, have a dark central umbra , a lighter surrounding penumbra, and no solar panels.

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当这种情况发生的时候,本影无法到达地球,非本影阴影就会出现在地球表面。When this happens, the umbra cannot reach Earth and an antumbra shadow is created over the planet's surface.

月全食发生时,月亮在地球的本影中大约要持续1个小时,这就是所谓的“全食”.During an average total lunar eclipse, the moon is within the Earth's umbra for about an hour. This is called totality.

“第一个因素很简单,就是月亮进入阴影的深度。阴影的中心要比边缘暗得多,”杂志上说。"The first is simply how deeply the moon goes into the umbra. The center of the umbra is much darker than its edges," it says.

即使在磁场最强的黑子本影区,磁场强度通常也只有2000高斯左右。Even in the umbra of sunspots, the strongest region in the solar atmosphere, the magnetic field strength is only about 2000 Gauss.

本影就像一个圆锥一样延伸在空间中,当月食发生时,它很容易被看到。Shaped like a cone extending into space, the umbra has a circular cross section that can be most easily seen during a lunar eclipse.

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每当清晨向城市敞开胸怀,从窗子望出去,就可以看到夹在一片街区的光亮和暗影,或者绿叶在晨风中的婆娑。Whenever morning to urban open minds, looked from window to see the light and caught in a neighbourhood umbra , or the whirling green in the morning breeze.

如果某个时刻月球本影比地球与月球之间的距离大,地球上被月球本影扫过的地带就可以看到日全食。If a moment of the moon than the Earth's umbra and the distance between the Moon, and Earth was the Moon's umbra zone read can be seen on the total solar eclipse.

老黑子中发现一个反常光桥,它是在两个本影合并起来时形成,而不象通常在黑子将分裂时出现。It was found that an anormal light bridge formed in the old main spot when the two umbrae merged into one instead of the opposite case, i. e. , one umbra split into two.

对地球的任何地方日全食仍然是少见的,因为日食仅存在于沿着月亮影子的相关狭长地带。Total solar eclipses are nevertheless rare at any location because during each eclipse totality exists only along a narrow corridor in the relatively tiny area of the Moon's umbra.

在这次月食中,在北美洲最佳观测点可以看到在寒冬的天空中出现一轮铜黄色的月盘,这是因为月亮由于地球黯淡阴影的中心滤过的光芒而变红了。During the eclipse, the best viewing in North America found the coppery lunar disc high in a cold winter sky, the Moon reddened by light filtering into the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra.