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我们甚至可能看到双方针锋相对的情况。We might even see-saw between both counterproductive poles.

还有,肯定要选择纯中药,没有反作用的。Also, sure to select the pure Chinese, not counterproductive.

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因此,在这种环境下的进步恰恰起了反作用。Therefore, all his progress in this context is counterproductive.

这是经济方面反生产仇外症的经典案例。It was a classic case of economically counterproductive xenophobia.

但为了躲避伤病而因噎废食的做法只能是适得其反。But to not practice, to not get an injury would be counterproductive.

诚信是心想事成的朋友,虚伪是事与愿违的伴侣。Honesty is a friend of you, partner of hypocrisy is counterproductive.

倒不用担心她会这样做,这样做会起反效果。There is little fear of her doing so and it would be counterproductive.

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这种恐惧导致了对于防止工作损失政策的信念,而这一政策是阻碍生产力的。It leads to a faith in anti-job-loss policies that is counterproductive.

但是,他补充说,“我认为总的来看,空袭起到了反作用。”But, he added, “I think the strikes over all have been counterproductive.

用铁的纪律要求自己每天持续两小时冥想会产生反效果。It's counterproductive to do it with iron discipline for two hours a day.

这是一种执迷,看起来没有必要,而且适得其反。It's kind of an obsession. That seems unnecessary and counterproductive.'

过度强调个人的利益证明是有反作用的。Overemphasizing the interests of individuals may prove counterproductive.

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这也是为什么我们的防御性如此的可预见,如此的适得其反。It's also why our defensiveness is so predictable and so counterproductive.

这让伊朗反美势力认为美国对他们执行的始终是一种威逼利诱的手段。This makes a so-called carrot-and-stick approach to Tehran counterproductive.

基于完美的非黑即白想法反而会让你达不到预期的效果。Black and white thinking based on perfectionistic thought is counterproductive.

贿赂不仅是可恶的,而且从长远看还会产生相反的结果。Bribe paying is not only abhorrent but is counterproductive in the longer term.

注意一定要在这过程中感觉到肌肉在持续紧张,否则只能起反作用。Make sure that you HAVE CONTINIOUS TENSION or else this will be counterproductive.

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如果将你所有的专业技术一股脑的用上,结果往往会事倍功半。When you do have a great deal of expertise, using it all can be counterproductive.

如果一个人尝试将另一个逼入困境的话,那么结果反而达不到。If one individual tries to corner the other, then the effect will be counterproductive.

这与我们恢复以巴双方直接谈判的努力是背道而驰。It is counterproductive to our efforts to resume direct negotiations between the parties.