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他没着儿了。He's at the end of his tether.

出尔反尔,给他呼吸的氧气。The tether gave him oxygen to breathe.

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我们应把我们的计划限定在自己财力所允许的范围内。We should tether our plan to our resources.

一个强大的系绳连接列昂诺夫的航天器。A strong tether connected Leonov to the spacecraft.

那牛弄断了系绳,跑到玉米田里去了。The cow had broken her tether and was in the cornfield.

那头牛弄断系绳,跑到玉米田里去了。The cow had broken its tether and was in the cornfield.

写的最新著作,反映了他在江郎才尽。The write's recent book shows that he is at the end of his tether.

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抓钩还可以用来把两个物体拴在一起。The grappling hook can also be used to tether two objects together.

战场前线燃料有限,以及向前线运送燃料,都是非常危险的。The tether of fuel on the war front, and delivering fuel to the front, is very dangerous.

密目网一般由网体、开眼环扣、边绳和附加系绳组成。Generally dense mesh is composed by net body, eyes open buckle, side rope and attached tether.

而火箭助力的架空所吊运机能用链子使流浪者轻轻着陆在火星表面。Instead, the rocket-powered sky crane will gently lower the rover to the surface using a tether.

他们也必须学习控制电动缆索系统出现的各类震动。And they must learn to control the various vibrations that arise in electrodynamic tether systems.

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这些水下机器人虽然很小,但被系绳拴着,所以不会被水流冲走。These underwater robots are small and attached to a tether so they can't be swept away in currents.

绳索是由机器人这端放出,这样的设计是为了防止它被残骸里的物品绊住而影响行动。The tether pays out from the robot, a design that prevents it from snagging on objects in the wreck.

眼神的交流能使谈话者的注意力无形之中集中起来。Eye contact ties the speaker to the masses with an invisible tether and forces them to pay attention.

彼得已经到了日暮途穷的地步。他欠银行一大行钱,又正在上个星期丢了劳动。Peter has come to the end of his tether , he owed the bank a lot of money and lost his job last week.

大多数的Android手机将允许叠接或创建虚拟热点并连接其他设备。Most of the Android handset will allow to tether or create a virtual Hotspot and connect other devices.

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文章初步分析这种可能性,估计系绳的伸展长度。The possibility of the tether and the stretching length estimation of the tether are analyzed in this article.

他提议了一种可以让小行星和其他危险物品转向的方法--拴上系链和重物。He has proposed a way to divert asteroids and other threatening objects by attaching a long tether and ballast.

这个成语来自上面这则故事,意思是一个人在山穷水尽时是很困难的。This idiom comes from the above story. It means being in a very difficult situation at the end of one's tether.