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福特•普里菲克特一动不动地坐着。Ford Prefect sat still.

所有的目光都集中在福特•普里菲克特身上。All eyes were on Ford Prefect.

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为你塑造完美无瑕的定妆效果。Create prefect and flawless fix effect.

你是否想到这一天意义何在Do you think what the end of a prefect day

大小正合适,非常合身!It 's just the right size---a prefect fit !

这个男孩发现自己总是为黑人跑腿打杂。The boy found himself fagging for a black prefect.

他们的夜空或水效果知府。They are prefect for a night sky or a water effect.

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帕帕斯特吉奥省长给人感觉很亲切。Prefect Papastergiou is a very kind and warm person.

所有的目光都集中在福特•普里菲克特身上。一些目光鬼鬼祟祟。All eyes were on Ford Prefect. Some of them were on stalks.

12日,他在康斯坦察会见了地方行政长官马丁。On June 12, he met with local prefect Gheorghe Martin in Constanta.

棒材的直线度必须确保良好的加工性能。The straightness of the bar shall guarantee a prefect processability.

独特的33楼VIP空中会所为贵宾提供商务、休闲的至尊服务。The unique VIP club on the 33th floor provides guests prefect service.

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莫斯艾斯利行政长官有一支遍布全城的ASP机器人队伍。The prefect of Mos Eisley had a team of many asp droids throughout the city.

这句话是我想对你说的不管结果是否完满。No matter the ending is prefect or not , you can not dissappear from my world.

夏天是筹划各种户外节庆活动的好时节。Summer is the prefect season in witch to stage many types of outdoor festivals.

回到郡所,就去对太守说了这一经历。When he reached the commandery, he called on the prefect and told him this story.

那根正在轻敲的手指抬起来,轻轻放到了福特•普里菲克特的肩膀上。The tapping finger reached out and rested lightly on the shoulder of Ford Prefect.

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身为禁卫军长官他在行动时有着良好的判断力。As praetorian prefect he is said to have had good judgement whenever he sought to act.

然而如果有一天你不再喜欢他了,你将会发现其实他并没有你想象的那么完美。However, if you don't love he one day, you will find him not prefect as you as imagine.

设电影支架功能,完美的视听角度,电影、音乐尽在掌握中。With movie stand function, prefect audiovisual angle, you can enjoy movie and music easily.