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我们还需要实现密码功能。We need to implement cryptographic functionality as well.

现在我们将尝试形成一个用于密码支持的策略。We will now try to form a strategy for cryptographic support.

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电子战。诸如无线电电子战或各种密码手段。Electronic warfare, such as radio-electronic or cryptographic means.

此次握手将生成会话的加密参数。This handshake produces the cryptographic parameters of the session.

与任何密码术密钥一样,应该定期改变这些密钥。As with any cryptographic keys, these should be changed periodically.

密钥存储库用于存储加密密钥和证书。A keystore is a facility for storing cryptographic keys and certificates.

在现代密码学中,杂凑函数占据基础而又重要的地位。Cryptographic hash functions play a fundamental role in modern cryptography.

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这项技术的原理是比较杂凑加密档案,而非真正的名字。The technique works by comparing cryptographic hashes instead of real names.

可证明安全是现代密码方案的基本要求。Provable Security is the essential requirement of modern cryptographic schemes.

凭证可以是从简单的密码到复杂的加密密钥的任何东西。A credential can be anything from simple password to a complex cryptographic key.

密码算法暴力破解是密码学的一个重要分支。Brute force attack on cryptographic algorithm is an important branch of cryptology.

为了更好地保护通信流,应该使用强密码。For this traffic to be best protected, strong cryptographic ciphers should be used.

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加密是使用密钥对数据进行可逆转换的加密算法。Ciphers are cryptographic algorithms that can reversibly transform data using a key.

建立密码编译乱数产生器之实作的执行个体。Creates an instance of an implementation of a cryptographic random number generator.

设计了一个在服务器集中加解密的存储系统,加密算法采用硬件加密卡产品实现。A storage system that encrypts data by cryptographic card on the server is presented.

密钥和密码算法的安全是密码卡的核心和关键。Cryptographic algorithm and key are the very important part of cryptogram technology.

本文对AESS盒的密码性质进行了深入的分析。Detailed analysis on the cryptographic properties of AESS-box is given in this paper.

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验证可以通过简单的密码,或通过加密的MD5校验。Authentication may be through simple passwords or through MD5 cryptographic checksums.

这些S-盒对进一步设计密码算法提供了非线性资源。These S-boxes offer the nonlinear resouce for further design of cryptographic algorithms.

在执行加密时,有多种密码学算法可供选择。There are a variety of cryptographic algorithms to choose from when performing encryption.