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葡萄牙可能就是下一个。Portugal may well be next.

葡萄牙波尔图的夏季里的一天。A summer day in Porto, Portugal.

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在葡萄牙的小酒吧里喝着朗姆酒。Drinkin white rum in a portugal bar.

在葡萄牙酒馆把白朗姆酒斟酌。Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar.

新艺术风格旧书店,葡萄牙。The Lello bookstore in Porto, Portugal.

在葡萄牙,根本不存在资产泡沫。There is no property bubble in Portugal.

西班牙的东面与葡萄牙接壤。Spain is bounded on the east by Portugal.

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1912年的奥运会马拉松比赛中,一名葡萄牙运动员因为中暑而去世。A Portugal athlete died of sunstroke in 1912

我跟西、葡两国的会议也迟到了。I'm late for a meeting with Spain and Portugal.

这条线东边的所有邻域属于葡萄牙。Everything east of the line belonged to Portugal.

玛德琳是从葡萄牙的一家旅店客房里失踪的。Madeleine vanished from a hotel room in Portugal.

教宗将于五月十一日至14号在葡萄牙。The Pope will be in Portugal from May 11th to 14th.

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她搬到葡萄牙去之后,孤独的生活让她变得郁郁寡欢。The loneliness got her down when she moved to Portugal.

葡萄牙统治中国澳门达四百年之久,中国政府于1999年对澳门恢复行使主权。Portugal ruled China's Macao region for about 400 years.

从路易斯·阿马拉尔在葡萄牙还是个孩子时,这个问题就困扰了他很久。This conundrum plagued Luis Amaral as a kid in Portugal.

随着葡萄牙悲剧的到来,这场游戏也变得越发清晰。But with Portugal the tragedy of this game is more clear.

爱尔兰和葡萄牙的公司债息差也创下了新高。Credit spreads hit new highs in Ireland and Portugal too.

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然后我们雇了辆车去了葡萄牙的里斯本。Then we hired a car and drove over to Lisbon in Portugal.

葡萄牙是NH90重型直升飞机计划一个参加者。Portugal is planning a helicopter NH90 heavy participants.

葡萄牙队在D组,同一组的有安哥拉队、伊朗队和墨西哥队。Portugal are in Group D along with Angola, Iran and Mexico.