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我们先去了素食餐厅。We went to a vegan restaurant.

自1985年以来,我一直是个纯素食者。I have been a vegan since 1985.

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多数素食者就是如此变身的。This is how most guys go vegan.

雀儿喜克林顿的非常纯素婚礼!Chelsea Clinton's Very Vegan Wedding !

难道你是想让我做一个素食主义者?Are you trying to turn me into a vegan?

知道素食者的鸡肉饭是啥吗?Do you know what vegan chicken and rice is?

哪些食物受到全素儿童的青睐?What Foods are Popular with Vegan Children?

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是啊,她是结婚后变成素食主义者的。Yeah, shc became a vegan after she gotmarrled.

我挑了一家烧烤店,结果呢,她是个素食主义者。I chose a great steak house, but she's a vegan.

我肯定也没有直到我开始吃素。I definitely didn’t until I started eating vegan.

新加坡第一间素食汉堡快餐厅。Singapore first vegan burger fast food resturant.

好的维生素D的纯素来源是强化豆浆或米浆。A good vegan source is fortified soy or rice milk.

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素食?高蛋白?低脂肪?Vegetarian? Vegan? High-protein? Low-fat? Dairy-Free?

变成素者和严格的素者是不必要的。It is not necessary to become a vegetarian or a vegan.

这些天,我不仅吃素,而且几乎成了彻底的素食主义者。These days, I’m not only vegetarian, but mostly vegan.

起初,走向纯素食的可能性对我而言是令人畏惧的。The prospect of going vegan was daunting to me at first.

我还有一个网上生食小组和很多素食朋友。I also have a whole group of online raw and vegan friends.

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我开始纯素生食有三个月了。It has now been three months that I have been raw and vegan.

有时往一家好的素食餐馆大吃一顿犒劳自己。Of course, proximity to great vegan restaurants was a bonus.

它是我从2004年来成为素食主义者后另一款忠诚产品。Another product I've stayed loyal to since going vegan in 2004.