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对布里尔来说,这是一个黑暗的夜晚。It's a dark night for Brill.

布里尔说,温加滕确实告诉过他,她愿意担任教育局长一职。Brill says Weingarten actually told him she'd take the chancellor job.

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现在,媒体明星和创业家斯蒂夫•布里尔这样的重量级人物也已登场加入讨论了。Now, no less a media star and entrepreneur than Steve Brill has weighed in.

正如史蒂文.布里尔所记录的有关教师的案例,其程序很冗长,花费高昂。As Steven Brill has documented, in the case of teachers, this can be very lengthy and expensive.

布瑞尔深爱着已经过世的索尼亚,虽然他们的婚姻磕磕畔畔,但是这些过往的记忆仍然使他无法安眠。Brill is kept awake by the memory of his loving but troubled marriage to Sonia, who is now dead.

我的208人史蒂文布里尔对采访他的教育,改革纪事阶级斗争之一。I am one of 208 people Steven Brill interviewed for his education-reform chronicle Class Warfare.

“时报要想得到稳定而且可观的收入来源,最好的出路是制定一个计划,”布瑞尔说道。"The best way for the Times to raise serious money on serious terms is to have a plan, " says Brill.

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杰森。布里尔来晚了,差点就要在我右边坐下,谢天谢地,好在我反应及时,在至关紧要的最后一刻阻止了这一灾难的发生。Jason Brill came in late and almost sat to me right, but luckily I stopped that from happening at the last second.

同时,布瑞尔和卡蒂亚交谈的主题也从电影转移到了他和索尼亚的婚姻转折点上。Meanwhile, the conversations between Brill and Katya turn from films to the ups and downs of Brill’s marriage to Sonia.

到夜间,为了把思绪从索尼亚身上移开,布瑞尔就自己给自己讲故事–换句话说,他讲述了一个颇有篇幅的特殊传奇故事。At night, to keep his mind off Sonia, Brill tells himself stories-or rather, one tale in particular, which he develops in several instalments.