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比亚总统自1982年以来就领导喀麦隆。President Biya has led Cameroon since 1982.

喀麦隆和乍得尚未报告任何病例。Cameroon and Chad have not reported any cases.

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疟疾是喀麦隆的一个主要卫生问题。Malaria is a major health problem in Cameroon.

喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.

也许有种里弗克罗斯在喀麦隆排水。Probably endemic to the River Cross drainage in Cameroon.

那么一个不可能的1-0日本成功击败喀麦隆星期一。Then Japan managed an improbable 1-0 win over Cameroon on Monday.

在喀麦隆的新闻记者克里斯托弗。安贝认为,有些人希望比亚下台。Journalist Christopher Ambe in Cameroon says some want Biya to step aside.

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在埃塞尔比亚和喀麦隆情况也是如此。Wives also were the majority of infected partners in Ethiopia and Cameroon.

英格兰队的球迷期待着该队与喀麦隆队能够上演一场精彩对决。England's football fans were hoping for a virtuoso performance against Cameroon.

利物浦对摩纳哥的喀麦隆国脚,边锋本杰明·莫坎约感兴趣。Liverpool are keen on Monaco's Cameroon international winger Benjamin Moukandjo.

所以像喀麦隆的萨穆埃尔·埃托奥和希腊的蒂奥法尼斯·耶卡斯没有入围。So the likes of Samuel Eto'o of Cameroon and Theofanis Gekas of Greece miss out.

格雷米在非洲以右卫身份贡献两次助攻,协助喀麦隆以3-0击退利比里亚。In Africa, Gérémi sets up two goals from right-back as Cameroon beat Liberia 3-0.

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船长获释之后,就将船驶回喀麦隆西南部的林贝。Once released, the captain sailed the ship back to Limbe in southwestern Cameroon.

阿喀麦隆球迷手表在本格拉对埃及1月25日的四分之一决赛。A Cameroon fan watches the quarterfinal match against Egypt in Benguela January 25.

她承认思念家乡,但害怕空手回到喀麦隆。She admits that she is homesick but is terrified to return to Cameroon empty-handed.

此外,在2008和2009年,3型野生脊灰病毒从乍得南部蔓延至喀麦隆和中非共和国。Additionally, in 2008 and 2009, WPV3 from southern Chad spread into Cameroon and CAR.

格雷米攻入三场比赛来的第三粒进球帮助喀麦隆4-1客场挑落贝宁。Gérémi gets his third international goal in three games as Cameroon win 4-1 in Benin.

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我们希望这能对喀麦隆人和全世界感染了艾滋病病毒的人起到帮助作用。We hope this will help the people in Cameroon and people with HIV infection worldwide.

这名62岁妇女是在2004年确诊的,之后不久她从喀麦隆迁居巴黎。The 62-year-old woman was diagnosed in 2004, soon after she moved to Paris from Cameroon.

你们将空降在喀麦隆,再飘入降落区玛松雨林边缘附近。You will halo over Cameroon and float into your DZ near the edge of the Mazon Rain Forest.