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内高压成形气动座椅上下管。Hydroformed aerodynamic seat and down tubes.

从高处落下的一分硬币并非最能体现空气动力学的武器。A penny isn't the most aerodynamic of weapons.

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空气动力性噪声是圆锯片最主要的噪声。The aerodynamic noise is the dominant noise source.

作为飞行员和航空分析员的米勒·奥布莱恩说,“提起机头将会加剧气流引起的失速。”Pulling the nose up will exacerbate an aerodynamic stall.

浪载运动响应引起的气动阻尼是否重要?How significant is aerodynamic damping of wave-induced motion?

如果需要,翼展将用来消弱气动荷载The winglets will be used to trim aerodynamic loads if required

帆时,正确地调整,将产生气动升力。The sails, when correctly adjusted, will generate aerodynamic lift.

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标枪的气动阻力、升力随迎角增加而增加。The aerodynamic drag and lift of javelin increase with angle of attack.

而不同质量时,质量小者,有较大的负气动力阻尼值。The larger negative aerodynamic damping occur in open terrain flow field.

这个的原因可能是由于生理以及空气动力学两方面的。The reasons for this are likely to be both physiological and aerodynamic.

光学提拉力与机翼翼面产生的空气动力不同。Optical lift is different from the aerodynamic lift created by an airfoil.

速度概念不仅仅是一个具备空气动力性的车架,它是一个系统。Speed Concept isn´t just an aerodynamic frame, it´s an aerodynamic system.

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频率的主函数包括主动力传递函数。The frequency response function includes an aerodynamic transfer function.

空气动力阴影区与自然风速的关系。The relationship between aerodynamic shadow zone and natural air velocity.

气动补偿比重量补偿或助力器简单而且轻便。Aerodynamic balances are simpler and lighter than mass balances or power boost.

流行型的汽车看起来就像一只未来主义的蛋,悬浮在四只小轮子上。The aerodynamic car looks like a futuristic egg suspended on four small wheels.

阐述了非对称气动力及非对称静、动导数产生的机理。The mechanism of inducing asymmetrical aerodynamic characteristics is described.

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主动控制翼板是一种新型桥梁气动措施。Using active aerodynamic wing is a new aerodynamic measure for bridge stability.

由流场作用在转子上不平衡的气动力是产生自激振动的主要原因。The main reason for self-excited oscillation is the unbalanced aerodynamic force.

提出了一种有效的跨音速翼型气动优化设计方法。An effective aerodynamic optimization design method of transonic airfoil is given.