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蘑菇和红葡萄酒或马德拉白葡萄酒做成的褐色沙司。Brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or madeira.

在炖李子时我常加些马德拉葡萄酒在汤里。I always add a little Madeira to the liquid when I stew prunes.

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杰克逊先生轻轻呷了一口,仿佛是在想象中品尝马德拉葡萄酒。Mr. Jackson gave a faint sip, as if he had been tasting invisible Madeira.

马姆齐甜酒一种甜味的烈性葡萄酒,原产于希腊,现在主要产于马德拉。A sweet fortified wine originally made in greece and now produced mainly in madeira.

谁也不会怪你,梅森先生回到马迪拉时也会这么对你…Nobody will blame you, and Mr Mason will tell your uncle so, when he goes back to Madeira.

国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira.

他过了一个多星期才回到马德拉海滨码头,并在那里通报相关当局。He waited well over a week to return to the Madeira Beach dock, where he notified authorities.

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我没有把婚礼的事告诉里德家的表姊妹,但给马迪拉的约翰·爱舅舅写了信。I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding, but I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, in Madeira.

无论您是如何决定花的马德拉群岛的丰沙尔您的假期将不可避免地成为它的一部分。No matter how you decide to spend your holiday on the Madeira Islands Funchal will inevitably be a part of it.

迈克尔-霍伊赢得了他的第二个欧洲巡回赛冠军,上周他日在马德拉群岛公开赛以两杆优势夺冠。Michael Hoey claimed his second European Tour title on Sunday with a two-stroke victory at the Madeira Islands Open.

你可以如此清楚地看到大洋中间的亚述尔群岛,下面一点则是马德拉,再远一点是加纳利群岛和佛得角。You can see the Azores in the middle of the ocean. A little below Madeira and further Canary Islands and Cape Verde.

雪莉酒和马尔萨拉酒在法式烹饪中并不常用。如果在本来要用马德拉酒或波特酒的地方用这些酒来代替,多半会让这些法式菜肴的口味变得不怎么正宗。SHERRY and MARSALA are rare in French cooking. If used in place of port or Madeira they tend to give an un-French flavor to most French recipes.

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在回西印度群岛的路上,梅森在马迪拉停留,住在爱先生那儿,并听他说他的外甥女要和一位罗切斯特先生结婚。On his way back to the West Indies, Mr Mason stopped in Madeira and stayed with Mr Eyre, who mentioned that his niece was going to marry a Mr Rochester.

这座位于葡萄牙北部一个购物中心内洗手间有许多时装模特的装饰。The Sao Joao da Madeira shopping center in the Northern part of Portugal has a bathroom decorated with female mannequins who lurk eerily behind the urinals.

虽然游客可以在葡萄牙本土沿岸体验到放长线钓大鱼的刺激感,但最棒的钓点其实是在亚述群岛及马德拉群岛的外海处。Although visitors can experience exciting big game fishing along the coast of the Portuguese mainland, the best fishing is found off the islands of Azores and Madeira.

雪上加霜的是,新发现的各种超支、亏空和隐藏债务高达34亿欧元,其中仅马德拉岛就占了11亿欧元。Even worse was the discovery of various overruns, shortfalls and hidden debts totalling EURO3.4 billion, including as much as EURO1.1 billion from the island of Madeira alone.

直到1836年,经常举办此类宴会的纽约社交名流菲利普·霍恩,很满意地说,自己的地窖贮藏丰富,存有672加仑的玛德拉酒和雪利酒。As late as 1836 New York socialite Philip Hone, who often hosted such dinners, noted with satisfaction that his well-stocked cellar contained 672 gallons of Madeira and sherry.

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同马德拉群岛和佛德角群岛一样,亚速尔群岛也是葡萄牙阿齐兹王朝时,航海家亨利王子领导下的伟大海洋探险中被发现的。With the Madeira Islands and Cape Verde Islands, as is the Portuguese Azores dynasty Aziz, Prince Henry the Navigator, under the leadership of the great maritime expedition was found.

维生素A是一种脂溶性的维生素,在烹饪以及食用的时候,蔬菜必须要配合油脂的拌抄,或是生吃拌沙拉,才可以被人体所消化吸收。Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. In cooking and preparation, madeira vine and gynura bicolor should be stir fried in oil, or eaten raw in a salad, for our bodies to absorb their vitamin A.